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Sauli grins goofily as his fingers skimmed the screen of his phone. He was busy editing the new pictures of Adam and him as Glampires from the Halloween party, wanting to upload it onto the Internet. It’s been 2 days since he last did so.

“Finally gonna post something huh?” Adam mumbles into Sauli’s neck as his hands circled around Sauli’s waist drawing him close.

“Yeah’’ he answers absentmindedly, too busy trying to focus on the task at hand to notice that Adam was pressing his groin against Sauli’s ass a little too earnestly.

Adam lets out a resigned sigh, crossing the room to flop onto their red velvet couch when he realized that Sauli was too far into playing with his new little photo app to entertain him.

Minutes tick by before Sauli finally looks up from his phone for the first time in what Adam felt was a century, grinning widely as he sinks into the couch beside Adam, eager to show him his handiwork.

There were 2 columns and a total of 3 pictures. The first column contained a picture of both Adam and Sauli. The second column was further divided into two with Sauli’s picture on the first row and Adam’s picture on the second.

They were both baring their teeth, showing off their fake vampire fangs and the theme of the picture was obviously Halloween judging by the dodgy trees in the background that looked as if it was being lit up by blue currents.

“That’s nice baby, but you’re too cute to be a scary vampire” Adam laughs nodding at Sauli’s phone approvingly before reaching over to wrap an around him, pulling him closer.

Sauli huffs and struggles to get out of Adam’s grip, failing miserably as Adam only responds by pulling him even closer. Feeling frustrated and small, Sauli bites down on Adam’s hand playfully. He giggles gleefully as Adam pulls his hand back, groans in pain and pauses to suck on the spot where Sauli had bitten.

“Scary enough?” Sauli smirks, tapping on the “Post” button to upload his newly edited picture before bending forward to place his phone on the glass coffee table.

Adam smiles to himself, wondering what he was going to do with his boyfriend. He was everything Adam had ever wanted, feisty, bubbly and erratic and at the same time mellow and down to earth. If he was being completely honest he wouldn’t have had Sauli any other way.

“Not really” Adam murmurs, moving Sauli until he was sitting on his lap, his body nuzzling in close to Adam’s chest.

Sauli presses the side of his face into Adam’s chest, his heartbeat audible to Sauli’s ears. They stayed that way for awhile, appreciating and dwelling in the warmth radiating from their lovers’ bodies.

 It was moments like these that reminded Sauli of why they had gotten together in the first place. He had felt a bond so strong, he was sure it was unbreakable. He felt comfortable in Adam’s presence, safe. Whole. It was a feeling that didn’t come by often and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let it go – let Adam go.

Sauli leans his head back against Adam’s chest. Adam’s hand is wrapped snugly around him. “I love you”.

“I love you too baby”.

Thanks for reading J If you liked it, please do leave a review. I’d like to know your comments!

And also, add me up on twitter: @GlitterBxby if you’d like :D 

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