Chapter 2

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"And whose foolish idea was this?" Ardyn Izunia raged at his brother and the Chosen King. The three men stood in a field of multicoloured Sylleblossoms that stretched out as far as the eye could see. Blue, purple, white, red, yellow, almost every color and shade imaginable was growing around them. Their sweet floral scent perfumed the air. Such a place did not exist on Eos, just in the realm of the Crystal.

Noctis Lucis Caelum looked over at Somnus, seeing the Founder King raise his hands up, palms outward in a gesture of sheepishness.

"... Mine, I suppose," the the first King of Insomnia admitted softly.

"Why am I not surprised? You've become even more witless than I remember, brother. And here I thought you couldn't get any worse," Ardyn snapped, furious at what his brother had suggested. He glared at Somnus as he continued. "I once believed those scatter-brained plans throughout our childhood were the most moronic ideas you could have concocted. Like your brilliant idea on how tame Spiracorns that nearly ended up getting the both of us gored. Or that time you wished to show off and believed your newly emerging magic could thaw out an entire lake. You nearly killed yourself and spent a week in bed. Eos above, even your attempt at avoiding the fallout from your relations with the maid and both her sisters ended in disaster. That scandal and your handling of it was all the people could talk about for years afterwards."

"And yes Noctis," Ardyn looked over at the Chosen. "your revered Founder King, as your younger generation might say, got around."

"Good to know." Noctis couldn't help but laugh out loud at the knowledge. He looked at Somnus at the mention of such things. The older man looked rather startled at what was being revealed and quickly waved it off with a soft blush on his cheeks. He heard him mutter a soft, I was not that bad.

Noctis decided he would try and find out more about what the Founder King had been like in his youth, especially that last incident. It seemed Ardyn might be happy to divulge the finer details of that and more. He quickly focused his attention on the brothers again as it seemed the older was not done his ranting.

"-are again suggesting a most asinine idea and expect me to follow along with it. Do I have that correct, Somnus?" The former Accursed was still furious.

"Well... Yes. I mean... You always did before," Somnus said, not really giving the finest response he was capable of. But in fairness, he was rather startled at his brother's vehement refusal. And it was true. During their childhood, Ardyn had always gone along with whatever foolish idea he thought up. Maybe it was just to make sure Somnus didn't hurt himself but the younger brother had always been grateful. Maybe he did take advantage of that a little, but it had been a way for them to spend time together.

Ardyn just looked at Somnus in bewilderment, seemingly unable to respond to his statement.

"No. No. Not anymore. That Ardyn is long gone. I thought you had outgrown such foolishness but I was clearly wrong," Ardyn finally said when he regained the ability to speak. "And now goodbye. Tell your overgrown reptile to ferry me away to whatever awaits me on the other side. I have no desire to stay here any longer. You two may do as you wish."

"Brother, please. It shall not be that bad." Somnus argued. "You will regain your memories, eventually at least. I just wish a good life for you, one where you can live freely without any burdens placed upon you. I want to see you happy after everything that has happened. Even the Chosen has forgiven and wishes this as well."

"He's right, Ardyn. Despite everything that happened between us, I think you deserve better. The Starscourge destroyed any chance at happiness for you in this life. Maybe a clean slate without the memories of guilt, pain and anger might allow you that?"

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