I am trapped as well?

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Hopes peak academy. I am finally here. I'll start my new school live right here.

Oh don't get me wrong. I am not an Ultimate at all. My name is Karasu Lucia and I am going to be a reserve course student. But even though, I am going to be with him. And that is all I need. So with hope in my heart I went into the school. But even before I could even open the door, my vision got blurry. I can't explain it.
"Luci you must remember me. Luci."
Than everything goes black.

"Izuru" I call as I wake up.
I am lying on a desk in the middle of a classroom. And I mean lying on top if the desk.
As I stand up, I loose my balance and fall to the floor. That hurts.
As I stand up an try to clean the dust from my uniform I notice a few unusual things in this classroom. And I mean scary unusual. Not the unusual where you think 'OK what is this sponge doing in the trash' unusual but the full blown 'why are there metal plates in front of the windows and cameras in this room unusual'. To be honest this freaked me out.

I looked around but couldn't find anything else.
'Where am I? What am I doing here? Am I in a school? I mean there is a chalkboard and this room looks like a classroom."
I try to get my thoughts in order but the longer I am in this room the more scared I become.
I cowered into myself.
" Izuru where are you? " the sentence slipped from my lips and I freez.
'Who is Izuru?'
I ask myself?
'Why am I calling out to him? Or is it a her? No that doesn't feel right. Izuru is a he. But what does he mean to me? Why don't I remember? I was in front of hopes peak academy so... Am I missing something? What happened? If I know this Izuru person...and I don't remember him... What else have I forgotten?'
With this thoughts in mind I stand up again. I can't explain it but the thought of this mysterious person gives me strength. "OK I need to figure out where I am and for that I have to leave this room." I said to myself.
Just as I am about to open the door, I hear a weird noise   behind me.

Ding Dong Bing Bong

The monitor above the chalkboard went on and I could see a weird unfocused shape.
" Ahem, Ahem! Testing, testing! Mike check, one two! This is a test of the school broadcast system! Am I on? Can everyone hear me?"
'What does he mean everyone? Does that mean I am not alone here?'
"Okay, well then...! Ahh, to all incoming students! I would like to begin the entrance ceremony at...right now! Please make your way to the gymnasium at your earliest convenience. ... That's all. I'll be waiting!"
The voice I could hear over the speakers seemed playful, even though the topic seemed serious to him. But where is the gymnasium? With a new destination in mind I finally opened the door and found myself in a strangely lit corridor.
Since I was in a dead end I went in the other direction. After a while I heard diffrent voices and followed them. The hallway opened to a bigger room where I guessed the entrance hall is located. A boy with brown hair and a plain look came out of a door with an exit sign above it.
He looks at me perplexed and asks "Huh, and who are you? Oh my name is Makoto Naegi. The lottery winner." His personality seems  kind. It actually puts me at ease. I can't help but to smile at him.
"Karasu Lucia, a reverse student. Pleasure to meet you." I am surprised how my voice suddenly sounds. I did not notice it before but it sounds pleasent and warm. I sound diffrent.
Makoto rips me from my thoughts as he asks
"What is a reverse student?"
I can feel my smile drop a little as I answer him.
"Everyone who graduates from hopes peak academy is going to be successful in life. That does not just apply for the Talented students. We pay for our totution here. The reverse students don't have any talents per se. We should be in a diffrent building as well. Nearly zero interaction with the talented students at all. That's why I don't understand why I am here." I couldn't stop the sound of disappointment that left me.
" I'll probably just have to ask the responsible teacher. Do you know the way to the gymnasium? " Makoto simply nodded. I guess that was to much information for him. Laughing I link my armes with his.
" Well, show the way."
And that is exactly what he does.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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