Chocolate Kisses Chapter 1

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What in the world am I going to wear?  The homecoming game is next week and I have nothing to wear. It has been ten years since I last saw some of the people I know will be front and center, I got to be super cute. Seem like I would have been more prepared seeing how I have been looking  forward to this event for quite some time. I can't wait to see how things have changed. I wonder if Terrance my high school crush looks the same? Oh my, look at my belly, I might have to get me a  body shaper, I refuse to  show up with belly fat hanging out everywhere. Guess I need to make a run to the mall. I might need to make a run to Raleigh, North Carolina, I refuse to be a carbon copy of anybody hanging out on that football field tonight. With me walking in fashionably late with my hair bouncing in the wind, not to mention the way these ripped skinny jeans kissed my curves I am bound to turn some heads tonight. 

As I pulled up in the parking lot I noticed Britianna and her squad gathering in the corner. Somethings never change, I could feel the tension in the air as I passed by. A sudden out burst of laughter and giggles broke out  reminding me of  the hall way antics  back in the day. Guess they didn't get the memo life has been good to me I am a successful salon owner, with bank. They just don't know. Why they whispering, somebody better tell them, cause while they trying to front her lace front slipping. Let me stop, no time for silly games, tricks is for kids. 

Is that Jeff? Jeff was the point guard on the junior varsity basketball team. He was every girls dream,  though he was sold out to Cindy Thompson. She was smart. her grades landed her position of valedictorian. Though she was not one of  the cutest girls she had a real claim on one of the top ten cutest guys in our class. It didn't wasn't surprising as any girl got close to him she wasn't far by behind. Later, I found out not only did they have a tight relationship in school they also exceeded everyone's expectations by taking the next step shortly after graduation. Guess they were truly in love. 

I can't believe I'm at this game hoping Mr. Right crosses my path. In all honesty I really don't have a clue what he would be like. I'm so tired of being alone, at this  point I was willing to try anything to find him. Secretly I wondered if maybe I need to take notes from Jeff and Cindy. What caused them to connect at such a early age? What was I missing?

Cindy a very well mannered young lady brown skinned with medium length brown hair. No frills or thrills a simple bump of her ends, somehow captured the attention of one of the hottest guys in school. Even now here she is at this game with some jogging pants and a oversized sweatshirt.  Representing the school booster club. While I have went to extreme measures, lashes, brows, lip glosses and hair slayed to only have captured the attention of this yellow jacket drawn to the alluring smell of my honey suckle bath and body works fragrance working over time. Swatting at him seems to make him chase me more. Though I keep trying to hold it together I am loosing all cool as he seems to have sent out an invite signaling his buddies that my flowers are in full bloom. It has quickly turned into a family affair I'm the only thing on the buffet. My feet began to pick up the pace but some how the faster I go the faster they come in hot pursuit after me. Finally I see  the women's bathroom located just behind the refreshments stand. Hopefully as I cut the line my plan is for those yellow jackets to find their way to another target I swiftly rushed into the entrance of the girls bathroom where a lot of my graduation class has meet up. A soft voice whispers through the crowd, Trinity is that you? I looked over my shoulder to see who it was while also peeking to see if I had eluded the yellow jacket team that were ready to land a touch down. 

Nessa is that you?  Vanessa and I had been friends since middle school. But after graduation, our paths took both of us in different directions. We took a deep dive into life. She married her baby daddy soon after graduation. Causing her to work lots of hours to help make ends meet at home. While I spent a lot of time at a local beauty college roller setting  little grey haired old ladies.  I lost some of the friends I had for quite sometime. Vanessa was the type of friend that wasn't high maintenance, we could talk today and not again for months and as soon as we connected it was like we left off.  We never skipped a beat. Vanessa has a impeccable memory, she always remembers every conversation in full detail.  She knew I hadn't dated in a long time and was ready to hear all the updates of my life even the parts I no longer wished to discuss.  Though Vanessa and I had become close over the years, she had know idea how desperate I had become for a relationship. I longed for it so deeply. On many occasions I could be found bingeing on some oreo explosion ice cream and wiping my tears away.  In many areas I had accomplished so much but my greatest accomplishment seemed to elude me. When I turned and looked into her eyes, the  first thing I thought was, what happened to your brother?  Is he single? Even though deep within I knew he was not my type. He was cute though. I wanted something more stable. He was the type wanted every girl he came in contact with. Though I was desperate I was no ones fool. After a few seconds I was able to muster up a sincere; Hi, Nessa, how are you without being fake or phony. Nessa was a true friend and I wasn't about to mess that up with a fling with her brother that I knew would end up all wrong. She was glowing. In my eyes Nessa was a beautiful girl I was, but life had not been so nice to her. Although she had been through so much she never seemed to let life see her sweat. As far back as I can recall Nessa always had a smile, no matter what she was going through. So focused on my personal agenda I was too consumed on me and my to recognize the not only was Nessa in the corner of the bathroom, but also that her face was bright red, her eyes were puffy and streams of tears had dried under her eyes. When I looked at her I went straight in to my self absorbed self. Misinterpreting her smile, I shifted straight to my life. All I could talk about was me, me, me. As I stood there in the mirror refreshing my lip gloss and flinging my beautiful tresses into place I glanced Cindy as she peeked into the bathroom. With a look of frustration on her face. At the angle we were standing in the corner it was hard to see Nessa from that view. Cindy didn't say a word she just came in a little farther until she arrived by Nessa side. Cindy reached out her arms and gave Nessa a long embrace. At that point I knew something was definitely wrong and I wished I hadn't been so caught up in myself that I missed it. 

Here I was up in a tangled love triangle I never thought possible. Where it all began is still foggy to me. A 5ft 9in tall mound of dark chocolate walked into my life like a refreshing morning breeze after a hot sunny day. He was everything I wanted in a man. As they say; tall dark and handsome, with a deep southern charm coupled with the ability to make even the hardest of hearts break out into laughter. With dimples so deep you could get lost in his smile. He was attractive to say the least.

I couldn't get enough of him. Though we continuously chatted throughout the day our nights usually ended with listening to each other breathe. It was nothing short of amazing. While enjoying my new relationship, I wanted to shift my focus a little. My dream of going back to school seriously stalked me. Everyday I would go into the factor dreading every moment I had to endure long winding hours 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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