Chapter Eleven - It's not Goodbye.

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A few days turned in to a week, and then a week into two. Marian held on for dear life, like she sensed Gabriel couldn't take it just yet. He hadn't stayed at my house since the nurse had told him her prognosis, but I'd stayed there a few times.

He hadn't mentioned the play, or if we'd been called. It was against the rules anyway, but part of me also felt guilty for being excited about it, so I was thankful for the secrecy.

On the day of my first rehearsal I'd told Gabe I was spending the day with Serena. Truth was, Serena was so snowed under at work I'd seen her three times in the last month. Using her as my reason for not being around on Saturday was almost perfect.

I ran through the dance steps with my dance professor in the studio, it was a contemporary dance number. Soft and flowy, but with an sense of strength and love woven through it. I felt graceful as I did it, until the end. Until the lift. The lift made me feel like an oaf.

“Professor Vasquez, can I have some clue as to who the male lead is? Will he even be able to lift me like you want him too?” I groaned as the music stopped.

“Call me Tina honey.” She soothed, placing a hand on my shoulder. “You're not the big ogre you seem to think you are. You're gorgeous, curvy, and talented and I know that our lead male is more than capable of lifting you. Now, lets start the dance from the top.”

I listened, because I had no other choice, short of breaking into Professor Gallagher’s office to find the cast list, I wasn't going to know who it was for another 4 weeks.

At 2:30pm,before the dance intensive workshop finished Tina handed me a bottle of water.

“Like a duck to water Juni. You've picked this up really fast. We'll work on connecting emotion next week. I'm free on Monday through Thursdays here if you want to find a private place to practice.”

“Thanks. I'll probably be taking you up on that.”

“You'd better head off to the theater workshop or they'll have my guts. See you next Saturday.” 

I nodded and said goodbye then grabbed my bag and ran down stairs. The theater work shop was being held in an empty loft down the road. The director and Professor Gallagher were taking the whole 'keep the leads separated' so far that it our rehearsals were being held at different venues on the opposite sides of town. It seemed slightly over the top, but maybe the method to their madness would become clearer in the end. 

After the class I drove home. I'd barely made in through the door when my phone rung.

I looked down at the screen. 

It was Gabe. Something wasn't right, I sensed it immediately. I swiped across to answer.

“Babe,” He sobbed down the phone. “She's gone.” 

Gabriel's voice broke my heart. Last night she'd been fine, and again this morning. I'd been there. She'd smiled as I sat down at the kitchen table with Gabriel. She'd laughed softly when Gabriel told a joke. She had been fine.

“Gabe, Where are you” I replied as calmly as I could.


“I'll be there in a minute”

I hung up the phone and shoved it in my pocket, then ran back out the door and to the car. Everything felt surreal. My poor Gabriel.

I pulled into the driveway a minute later, Kathy was talking to a paramedic.

Gabriel sat on the doorstep, Looking like a broken child. It almost killed any shred of control I was managing to cling on too. I ran across to him, He heard me coming and stood up. His arms engulfed me and he cried into my shoulder holding on to me for dear life.

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