Chapter 4

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"That's Spiderman? The guy who was stronger than most of you?", Bruce asked really confused. "Yeah hi, that's me. You're Bruce Banner right? Dude, I love your books about Gamma Radiation. Really gave me something to think About." "Wait a sec you understood what he wrote there?", Pietro asked stunned. "Yeah, I mean it wasn't that hard to understand. Right?"

Peter looked at the Avengers around him. They were all looking at him like they weren't sure if they heard right. Wanda was the first on speaking again. "Hon, I think aside from Bruce and maybe Tony you're the only one in this room who understood a single word in these books", she said and chuckled. "Well what can I say, I like science", Peter said sheepishly.

"Well how about we move this to the kitchen table? Bucky could make some of his famous cookies and we could get to know you a little better", Steve offered. "Sounds great Mr Rogers Sir", Peter answered excited. "Please kid, call me Steve."

So a few minutes later they all sat down at the kitchen table while Bucky made some cookies with Sams help. "So Peter", Natasha began, "How did you get your Spiderpowers? Where you just born with them or what happened there?"

Peter chuckled. "That's a pretty weird story actually. I went on a field trip with my class to a huge lab and there they did some experiments with Spiders I think. Well one of These Spiders broke out of its cage and it bit me. Well turns out it was radioactive. So I next Thing I know is me waking up with superpowers."

"And what about your suit? I'm sure Tony had something to do with that", Bruce asked. "Well yeah. If I had the same options as you guys have here I probably would have made something like the on Mr Stark made me. But I needed one before he called me. So I made something out of my old PJ's. I tried to make cool webshooters, but I did't really have many options, so I just took what I could find and use and put it together. But my new ones are wayyy better thanks to Mr Stark."

All of the Avengers were totally amazed by Peter. They all wondered how this sweet highschool kid figured out all of this by himself.

"Now I have a question. Mr Barnes Sir who made your metal arm? Was that you Mr Stark? Because I would really love to learn some stuff about how it works." "Actually that was Shuri",Bucky answered from the kitchen. "Woah the princess of Wakanda?! That's awesome! Does she visit you guys sometimes? It would be so incredible if I could talk to her!"

The others chuckled about Peter fanboying over Shuri. "Yeah, she and her brother come here now and then. You should meet her. I have a feeling you two would get along great", Tony answered him. "That would be awesome!", Peter exclaimed in completely excited.

"Tell me one more thing Peter", Steve said. "Does anyone else know that you're Spiderman?" "Umm yes. My best friend Ned knows, because he was in my room after I came home from patrol and he saw me wearing the suit. He's my guy in the chair. My Aunt May saw me wearing the suit too, but she supports me. Oh and also my other best friend MJ. She just figured it out somehow. She's a genius."

"You like her don't you?", Clint asked grinning. "I mean she's my best friend, so yes I really like her. But I'm not really into girls." "Well then you fit in here perfectly. We're probably the gayest family or whatever we are", Clint said grinning even more now.

"We have these two lovebirds", he said pointing at Steve and Tony who sat next to each other holding hands under the table like teenagers in their first relationship. "He right there", Clint began as he walked towards Pietro an hugged him from behind, "is with me and then there are those two in the kitchen."

"We're not actually dating and we're not planning on doing it anytime soon!", Sam shouted from the other side of the room. Bucky didn't say anything and was suddenly really focused on mixing the ingredients for the cookies. "They haven't admitted it yet, but they are madly in love with each other", Wanda whispered and everyone at the table started laughing.

'It really was just like Happy said', Peter thought to himself. 'They may look a bit scary, but they are actually pretty nice and cool.'

He started to feel welcome in this strange but sweet family.

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