Chapter 20

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== (Y/n)'s PoV ==

Today is our really first day of training at the camp. Father showed us that despite our physical and mental abilities improvement, our quirks didn't progress. So, the main goal of that difficult... harsh... rough... suffering, is to increase our quirks possibilities and efficacities.
At least I'm not by myself, well kind of, I have to train with Iida.
He has to run continuously as fast as he can.
And me, I have to shoot him with a sniper. But this isn't over. Each time I shoot, I have to get rid of the weapon (by making it explode) and create the same one along with another that isn't the same. One last thing: when I aim at Iida, I have to use my eraser quirk to increase my capacity to keep my eyes open for a long time.

We've been doing this all day. And I'm burning from the inside plus my eyes are in pain too. Now I understand why my father water his eyes regularly. Fortunately, I have his... eyes watering thingy? (A/n: I really don't know what it's called) and a pack of ice-cream.

When finally, the salvation came. Diner time. And by diner time, I mean 'It's time to make diner' time. So, we were given the ingredients, and we had to make curry.
Before the beginning, Bakugo approached me with a proposition.

"HEY Gun Freak!"
"Yes Bakugo?"
"How about we make this curry making more interesting? You choose three peoples here who will be in your team, and I'll choose mine. Then we'll see which team can make the best curry! And spoiler alert: I'm going to crush you!"
"That's sounds good. But don't get too cocky or else, the defeat will be harder for you."

After gathering our team members, with Eijirou struggling at lot to know in which team he'll go, the Ultimate Curry Battle of Apocalyptic Destruction could begin. Iida, as a good class rep was the arbiter while the teachers (Pussycats and Aizawa) and the rest of the class were in the jury.
The setup was there. The knives and cutting board were already given to the team. All the other tools / ingredients were scattered on tables around the team's kitchens worktops.

"May the contesters face each other! At my left, Team Bakugo made of Katsuki Bakugo, Eijirou Kirishima, Ashido Mina and Hanta Sero. At my right, Team (Y/n), made of (Y/n) (L/n) Aizawa, Shouto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, and Tsuyu Asui. Quirks are authorized but if you attempt to hurt a member of the other team, it will be an instant defeat. Are you all ready?"
"You bet we're ready to beat these losers, four-eyes!"
"Of course we are ready... to claim the victory ours!"
"Let the battle begin in three, two, one, GO!"

== Third PoV ==

While the two team were running to take their vegetables, Kaminari and Uraraka took each one spoon, holding them like a microphone, and acted like commentators (A/n : now it's time to give your imagination a little work-out session)

"We're here tonight witnessing that awesome battle for curry between members of class 1-A. We have basically the hot-headed and instinct relying team against the cold-blooded and pragmatical team. Two total opposites that are facing each other."
"Exactly Kaminari and I see that while we're talking, the two teams already began cutting their ingredients."
"And it's very impressive! (Y/n) and Bakugo are using knives with a masterful technique, I can't even see their movements."
"While all the eyes are on them, the others members of the teams are gathering their spices, meat, and stoves."
"Oooooh magnificent move from Kirishima who used his quirk to cut the meat with an unexpected precision."

"He looks so cool." Said (Y/n) drooling from his worktop.
"(Y/n), quit daydreaming about your boyfriend."

"Team Bakugo is ahead and it's their now time to start their fire! *BOOM* Well it's now time to repair their worktop since Bakugo blew it and start a fire in a more traditional way. Fortunately, with Sero in their time it'll be done quickly."
"On their part Team (Y/n) has Todoroki's fire to start their cooking and they're taking the lead!"
"Now they have to wait until their mixture is cooked enough to add the meat."
"You forgot a part Kaminari! The rice! Deku and Mina are rushing to make the rice, using their quirks to go faster. Deku arrived before Mina but is struggling to get precisely the exact amount of rice, making their progress equal."

After waiting a little time, Deku and Mina still making the rice, the two teams added their meat.

"And now the boring time is here. We have to wait until the curry and rice are ready. So, we'll come back after the ad time!"

Time skip with All Might cereals commercial

"Now the two team can present their curry with their custom names! Team Bakugo, what is the name of your curry?" said Iida
"Why did I even expect a serious name... An-and, Team (Y/n) what is your curry name?"
"Hnn. Our curry name is! *breath in* (A/n: Here come my FMA reference) Jugemu Jugemu Goko no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo no Suigyomatsu Unraimatsu Furaimatsu Ku Neru Tokoro ni Sumu Tokoro Yabura Koji no Bura Koji Paipo-paipo Paipo nu Shuringan Shuringan no Gurindai Gurindai no Ponpokopi no Ponpokona no Chokyumei no CURRY!" that unexpectedly long and goofy name made all the jury deadpan.
"How did you even came up with this name?" asked Todoroki, who didn't broke from his calm usual demeanor.
"A magician never reveal his trick!"

Now the members of the jury are tasting the two curry and saying their votes

"The winner of the Battle for Curry of class 1-A, opposing Team Bakugo, and Team (Y/n), is...

No one."
"WHAT?!" said all the members of the two teams at unison
"It's a perfect tie between the two teams."
"That's impossible! Ours has to be better! Why is it a tie?!"
"Because both of them are really delicious!" said the homeroom teacher's son.
"Uuuh?" Bakugo looked at (Y/n) who was already tasting some of the two curries.

"They're very different, but defining which one is better is dependent of personal taste."

Then Bakugo took a sample of the two curries and ate them (separately). He then had an embarrassed expression.

"As much as I hate to admit it... Yours is good too. But next time I'll win!" said Bakugo initiating a handshake
"You mean... Next time, I'll win." Said (Y/n) shaking the hands of his newfound cooking rival making everyone clap at the two friendship.

This epic event, and an happy dinner were the best manner to end their day, unaware of the fact that their training camp will end in a way that none of them could have thought.

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