Chapter 6

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== Your PoV ==

"Today, we're going to choose who are going to be the class president for the year"

At this very moment, when father said that precise sentence (with his usually bored voice), everyone in the class started to jump all over the classroom, saying things like "Choose me!", or "Don't choose Deku". I don't even know who I'll vote for. 'Maybe Kirishima, Todoroki, Midoriya or Momo, i'm pretty sure they'll be good enough. It's not like someone will be crazy enough to vote for me'

"So Izuku Midoriya is first with 3 votes, Momo and (Y/n) are second with 2 votes so decide yourself to elect the vice president"

I scream internally 'Who the heck voted for me?!'

"(Y/n) I think-"

"I think Momo-chan is really better suited than me to be class vice president, thanks for the ones who voted for me, have a nice day" I said as I ran the faster I could to hide under my desk to avoid any troubles or worst: responsibilities.

Time skip to lunch time

"Hey (Y/n) come and sit with us" I heard Kirishima said, waving at me

I sit at his table, there is Sero, Denki, Mina and Bakugou who looks like he have been forcefully brought here. I sat next to Kirishima.

"So (Y/n) and Kirishima know each other since the kindergarten?" Sero asked

"Yes, we are the best of friends for years now!" My crush responded, putting his arm around my neck.

"But I had to move during middle-school because of my father's agency being temporarily moved"

"Oh yes, you're the son of our teacher! I wouldn't have thought that since you don't look too much like him, beside your calm voice tone and your scarf" Mina said excitedly

"Well, I look like my mother" I said as I showed them a picture of us three (father, mother and me) on my phone.


"Shh Mina that's embarrassing"

As we continued our conversation, we heard a very loud alarm meaning there was an intruder in school.

I ran towards the corridor with my friends but we were quickly stuck in a mass of panicked peoples.

"Hey calm down!" I tried to reason the others but that was useless

I tripped over someone foot but I was caught by two strong arms

"Don't worry (Y/n)! I'll protect you. That wouldn't be manly if I let the others step on my best friend" I recognized the voice of Kirishima

"Thanks Kiri" I said while trying to cover my blush with my scarf.

"Hey look up! Isn't that Iida?!" Denki said as we looked at the human sized emergency exit panel... wait what?! Iida?!

"Don't worry guys, it's just a crowd of journalists who activated the alarm"

Soon everyone was calmed down and quietly returned to class (and I was forced to leave the comfortable embrace of Kirishima). Midoriya asked us if Iida could be the class president because the latest event. We all agreed.

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