A place to rest your head

Start from the beginning

A smile comes across his mouth as he stares back at the screen he cant help it. Her dark sense of humor makes me interested and less bored he looks up and around him at all the other there mindlessly flipping threw on there computers all of them are boring.
Unknown: good on..

"Everyone drop what your doing and get to the meeting room now" says caption Awashima everyone rises and starts to leave I put my phone away before finishing and go as well.
"Alright now that everyone is here I am sure you all have seen this car in the news" a picture of the crashed white car is brought up on the screen it's hole front end is smashed in were it struck the pole. "We have reason to believe that this girl was in it" a picture of a girl with short black hair and glasses she has freckles scattered around her face and two mismatched eyes one green and one blue she's holding up a wrench in the picture and there's various metal parts around her she looks happy. Unfortunately this is the only picture we have on file of her and this picture was taken 6 yrs ago. "So we don't have much to go on then" says Andy as he leans back in his chair. "Actually we do we know that she's a hacker so I want out best monitoring the web on any suspicious activity, she's also knowledgeable in engineering so she may try to sell parts she can take apart anything" "And why are we looking for this girl?" you ask in a annoyed voice a smile comes across your leaders face "becosue she is the daughter of the colorless king the last heir of his kingdom and it's come to out attention that shes loose in the city" "Is she dangerous cause she doesn't look all that dangerous?" Says dalki he pushes up his glasses with his finger "don't let that fool you she may look innocent but she is deadly not only in martial arts but weapon training as well" "Wait I am having a hard time here believing that the kindest king would have such a sociopath of a daughter" says ren as he cleans his nails. "Shes not she's (sigh) well she's a trouble maker or better described trouble finds her if another clan figure out who she is it could get ugly" "So our objective is to find her and what bring her here cause I have a feeling she won't go quietly" "Our objective is to locate first and only that at the moment till I say otherwise Your all dismissed" "Sir" "yes fushimi" "Whats her name?" reisi gives the young man a questionable look. "It will be easyer to tracker online sir" he says after receiving that look from him. "Her name is violet" he says with a small smile on his face. Fushimi nods his head and turns and leaves. He walks back to his desk with his thoughts filling his head. How is it that when I meet someone some shit has to happen he stops and looks out the Windows that face the city then turns back to the computer bringing up the picture of the girl those mismatched eyes stare back at me there's no denying it she's the girl I met today. (Deep sigh) so I guess the question is do I turn her in or do my own digging? Man this turned into a lot more work.

I finish ordering pizza and turn on the tv after about 10 min I realize I am just flipping threw channel aimlessly and settle on a movie I hear the shower turn on and I find myself thinking about her in the shower washing herself naked..... Shit shit man get yourself under control man you can't act like that or think like that in front of her. I feel my face heating up so I get up and head into the kitchen to grab a drink when my phone goes off. I look down and see it's mr.Kusanagi "ya hello" I answer. "Hey yata just wanted to make sure your good" "Oh yea I am fine back home actually" I say as I reach for a drink and pop the lid. "So we're did she end up" "Oh um shes here with me I gave her my extra room" There's silence on the other line. "Uhh helloo...?" "Your living with a girl yata? Do you even know the first thing about girls?" Asks mr. Kusanagi "hey just cause I haven't had a girlfriend doesn't mean iam stupid" I yell into the phone. "Ok ok Jeeze just... you know be careful" "Be careful about what! She's a girl not a China doll she not going to break..." I hear laughing on the other end of the phone. "rrrrrrr.... Fuck you guys" I hang up and go back out to the living room and see somone sitting on the couch. I hear her laughing as the movie goes on i walk around the corner of the couch i start to panic what if she has some super sexy night gown on or those super hot booty shorts I've seen in magazine oh shit I come into view of her and I am revelied when i see she's wearing a ninja turtle sweatshirt and purple sweatpants that reach her knees her hair is pulled back in a braid showing off her periced ears. She looks up at you as you take the seat next to her "whens the food getting here" she asks? "Uh... looking at your watch should be here soon" you take another drink. "Ok" she pulls out a psp from her middle pocket and starts playing a game. I can't imagine what will come next Hmmm I smile to myself. "So what are you playing" I ask and lean over and look. "Oh the best game ever God of War" she says without looking up "but i decided to start the hole trilogy over since i left my other system at home" "oh" I lean back and look at the tv "do you miss it?" I ask in the corner of my eye I see her lower the game and turn and look at me "can I ask you question" she asks in return "uh.. Sure" I shrug and turn on the couch she sits with her legs crossed as she turns and faces me she opens her mouth but seems to hesitate for a moment "how old are you?" She asks and then smiles "iam 19...but thats not what u wanted to ask is it" she shrugs her shoulders and looks back down at her game " how old are u?" I ask "iam 18 but my birthday is in like month sooo iam pretty much 19...yeeesss! Fuck you u harpy bitch" she yells at the game.

The rest of the night is spent eating pizza playing games and talking and eventually they both fall asleep on the couch yatas woken up from a sharp kick in his side he opens his eyes and see the tv on he rubs his face and then goes to stretch out on the couch when he suddenly realizes he almost layed on violet he jumps up and sees she sprawled out on the couch one arm is slung across her eyes and the other hangs off the side of the couch "shit we must have fallen asleep" i look down at my watch and see its 5am i look back at her and decided to take her to her room i pick her up easly and make the short walk to her room shes alote lighter this time i push the door open and lay her on the bed i look around the empty room that once use to belong to him i can even still smell his colonge "fucking monkey" i turn and leave shutting the door quietly and head for my own room i lay on my hed "man what a fucking day" sleep over comes me quickly and iam dead to the world.

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