chapter four - assurance

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The two brothers just stared at each other in silence. "So?" Scythe mewed. "Ugh, just for this gym leader then." Kazi announced. "Hah! Thanks. Alex is an awesome person. I'm sure you'll love him." "Come on." Scythe added. "I'll show you to him." The three padded through the den and outside. Alex was already there with some other pokemon he wasn't familiar with. It looked like he was battling with someone. Scythe had lead them through the open grass and let them sit through the sidelines as they battled. "Wait here." Scythe ordered. The blue pokemon went on Alex's shoulder and sat down. "Scythe! Just on time. Go scythe!" Scythe went forward to face another pokemon. "What's that pokemon?" Alekai pointed to the other blue pokemon. "I'm pretty sure its a swampert." Kazi replied, focusing on the battle. "Swampert! Use water gun!" The other trainer ordered. "Swamp!" The blue pokemon shot water out of its mouth like a gun. "Scythe,  dodge and use thunder wave!" Scythe dodged the attack and paralyzed the opposing swampert. "Swampert! Mud slap!" Scythe took a number from that move. It must be a ground type move, which is super effective against thunder type pokemon. "Scythe, use spark!" The swampert the attack. "Swampert, iron tail!" Scythe got hit. "Scythe, don't give up! Use double team!" Alekai was amazed. It was almost like there were two scythes. "Swampert! Mud slap!" Swampert attacked one of the scythes, but it vanished. "Now scythe, bite!" Scythe bit the swampert, which flinched. "Great, now shock wave!" Scythe released a force of electricity at swampert. "Swampert.." The pokemon fainted. The injured scythe almost fainted, but the trainer was there for scythe. He guided him. "That was amazing!" Alekai praised. "Well, its not over yet." Kazi pointed out. "Go, seismetoad!" The other trainer sent out another pokemon. It was much larger than scythe, Alekai noticed. "Seismetoad, use poison jab!" The seismetoad jabbed scythe with a fair amount of poison. Scythe fainted. "Aw, come on!" Alex sighed. "Stop showing off!" Alex added as scythe dug his snout into his jacket. "Your just jealous that I have better pokemon than you." The other trainer bragged. Woah, is it me or does this conversation ring a bell?

"Wait a minute, the growthiles woke up!" Alex scurried to alekai. Kazi growled a little. Alekai new how much his brother hated humans. "I call the big one!" The other trainer shouted. "This one's cute huh?" Alex picked up alekai. "I'll name you.. Scorch." Alekai was surprised. His name was alekai, not scorch. "Karter, what are you gonna name yours?" "Maybe just cinder." Ooo, now you started it. Kazi growled and used ember. "Aaaaah!" Karter jumped. "Heh, I like him" Alex teased. "Great, you know how much this shirt costs?" Kazi just smiled and giggled. "You wanna battle with them?" Alex suggested. "Yeah, sure."


K so I will make the next chapter if this part gets 5 reads and 2 votes :3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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