Raihan held out his hand. "That was a battle I'll never forget. I can't wait to battle in the Finals. You have earned the Dragon Badge, Congratulations." Uila shook his hand and exited the Gym and into the changing rooms, changing before heading up to the Champions box, showing the pass to the guards, who nodded and let her in. She released the rest of her team, letting them play around and relax. She healed up Greninja, who then went to play with the younger pokemon. Uila settled into a plush couch, Lucario and Torracat joining her.

They watched Hop walk onto the field next, watching as he battled with Vigor, becoming victorious. Victor followed him, barely gaining a victory. Then Gloria came in and completely SMITED Raihan with a duo of Fairy and Ice Types. She turned as she heard people entering the room, noticing it was the Tyrannical Trio. "Hey guys." "Uila!" Hop ran over excitedly, while Gloria and Victor looked at the varying pokemon around the room. Gloria begins to love on and pet Kandi as Hop questions about the battle between Raihan and I and about the Alolan pokemon who were in the room. Victor took a seat and watched the battles against Raihan.

Uila's phone buzzes from a call and she steps away for a moment, not recognising the number but figuring it was one of the Professor's or Principal Oak. She put the phone up to her ear. "Hello?" The voice that responded back was too familiar to her. "Hey sweetheart, you miss me?" Her phone clattered to the floor, and she fell to her knees, trying to restrain her panic. The trio look over to her, finding her on the floor, eyes wide in panic. "Oh come on dear, don't be like that." His voice rang through the room, and Uila backed away from the phone. "How did you get my number?" A chuckle was heard. "That doesn't matter now my sweet. Our little game of cat and mouse will soon be over, and you will be back in Alola by my side, where you belong." Hop rushed over and ended the call, and Uila's pokemon were quickly by her side.

She takes a deep breath, questions rushing through her mind like a whirlwind. She looks at Hop. "Hand me my phone please?" He nods and hands it over and she shakily calls Kukui, who answers fairly quickly even though he was teaching. "Whats up?" "He found me." Kukui stills and looks around, dismissing himself from the room. Once he reached a safe location, he turned back to her. "Guzma found you? How?" Uila shakes her head. "I.. I don't know. He just called me, he knows I am in Galar and he said he is coming for me." Uila was genuinely panicked. "That is not going to happen, not on my watch. Sycamore and I were talking about him coming over with some students as well, I'll let him know to bump up the date sooner." Victor looks at Hop. "Let Leon know about this." Hop nods and immediately moves to pull out his phone to call Leon.

Kukui looks at Uila. "Listen, I need you to block his number. I'll do everything I can from here to help out until we arrive." "Thanks Kukui." He sighs. "I wish that bastard would just realize what he did was shitty and not try and get you back." Uila nods shakilly. "Me too." Kukui hums. "I'll tell my students they are dismissed for the day, I already gave them their stuff so they'll be fine." She nods. She heard Kukui talking and a couple questions which he shot down quickly. "I told you guys if you guys didn't hear, something serious came up that I need to handle, and it may take a while so class is over for today."

His students were curious. Kukui hardly ever cancelled class, and someone calling him caused him to cancel? It must be pretty serious then. Mallow nodded to the others. They were going to get to the bottom of this. They followed him down the hall, listening to him talk to the person on the other line. "Just breathe alright? Leon is on his way over right?" Mallow's brows furrowed. 'Isn't Leon the champion of Galar?' "Yes..." "And I assume that Raihan once he is done with his next battle will know too. Once Raihan and Leon get there I'll get into contact with Sycamore. I'll also let officer Jenny know, since that is threatening. She'll be sure to let her sisters know." "Thanks Kukui." He sighs. "I just wish I could do more. I could let Hala know and try and track Guzma down, but I don't think it will be that easy." The trio stilled. 'This was about Guzma? No wonder he left so quickly.'  "Papa Hala would throw a fit, there is no need to distract him from his duties." "But Uila-" 'So it's Uila, I wonder what exactly her past is with Guzma.' "No buts, with all that you are doing it is more than enough. With Sycamore here I will feel safer than I normally do, but do you have any clue of how he got my number?"

Uila noticed Kukui's thinking face slide on. "I may have a few ideas but I don't know for sure." Uila watched the door fly open to reveal a panting Leon. "What happened." Kukui smiles sadly. "I take it Leon arrived. Listen, I'm glad you contacted me. I'll reach out to Sycamore the second this call ends alright?" Uila nods. "Alright, block him the moment this call ends alright?" Another nod. "Alright, call me if he calls again." "Will do." The line dropped and Uila fidgeted with her phone and blocked said number, looking up to Leon, who was talking with Hop. Uila noticed Leon turn to the window before motioning to come up. Probably talking to Raihan.

    She leans her head against the wall, closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath. She knew this was going to be a long conversation that she really didn't want to deal with.

Love Like Electricity (Pokemon SwSh Raihan) Book 1✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα