There's a weirdly comfortable silence surrounding us. I almost put my hand on his thigh soothingly, but stopped myself from doing so. I'm still sad about what just happened. Yes, I was probably overreacting... but it still hurt. I thought we were past the whole hiding stuff, not sharing emotions or anything else. And it felt like he still doesn't trust me.

After a couple of minutes of arranging his thoughts, he opens his mouth to speak a few times, but nothing ever comes out.

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to." I affirm confidently, trying to dismiss the sadness and disappointment I feel.

"I want to... I just don't know how." He admits, sighing deeply as he rubs his temples. I'm so confused, and also kind of terrified. "I don't know how to say it. I don't want to push it. It's just..."

"Henry, just say it. Whatever it is, we're going to solve it." I cut him off, caressing his thigh reassuringly this time. He looks at me intently, I figure he's trying to read me, wondering if he should be straightforward or not.

"You don't want to be my girlfriend." He mumbles awkwardly, almost ashamed. I don't even understand if he's stating it or asking me. "I mean, why don't you want to be my girlfriend?" He's rambling and I'm still trying to gather my thoughts. He caught me off guard. "Forget it, stupid question, you have every reason not to want to. I just-"

"You never asked." I say, cutting him off once again.

"What?" He asks, dumbfounded, trying to make sure he heard me right.

"I said, you never asked." I state once again, our gazes hooked on each other.

"If I had asked, would you have said yes?" He asks lowly, his tone hopeful and nervous, as if he was a teenager in front of his crush.

"Seriously? Is that a real question, Henry?" I snap, hurt filling in my features. I didn't mean to, but it kind of offended me. How could he doubt me and what I felt?

"Uh... yeah?" He sighs, defeated.

I take a second really looking at him, and he looks insecure, wanting reassurance. Once again we were in the same boat.

"Henry, of course I would say yes. I thought you'd figured by now that I love you." I admit, for the very first time.

I'm staring at him, blushing as hell, with my heart beating like a maniac on my chest. I hadn't felt like this in a really long time. If I'm being honest, I don't know if I ever felt this way about anyone at all. Him, on the other hand, he's staring at me, a pained expression on his face. I can't even read him. Tears start filling my eyes with the lack of response.

"I... Well I..." He tries to speak up but it's like he doesn't even know what to say.

"It's fine. Don't worry." I say, trying to cover up my slightly hoarse voice, swallowing the lump in my throat and definitely trying to stop the tears in my eyes from falling down my cheeks. "I'm going to bed. Good night, Henry."

With that, I pat his thigh in a goodbye manner before getting up and heading to the hall once more. And he doesn't say anything. Not a single word. Once my back is turned at him, the tears finally start to fall freely.

Going to the bathroom, I brush my teeth quickly, then heading to my bedroom and hopping in the bed even faster, hiding under the covers. I hope I can get it all of my system before he comes to bed. I'm lying on my side, my back turned to his side of the bed, obviously preparing for a good cover up if he arrives unexpectedly.

I'm still crying, the tears soaking up my pillow and pain tightening up my chest, when I sense the bedroom door getting opened. I try not to move and control my breathing as best as I possibly could, hoping he'd just lie down and fall asleep. But I couldn't be more wrong.

The bed dips beside me as he tucks himself under the blankets. I try to maintain my sleeping cover, but it's so hard. I'm truthfully in pain. It physically hurts. I hear him sighing just before I feel his lips on my shoulder blade as his hand runs down my arm. His warmth, his touch make my eyes fill with tears all over again.

Unable to stop it anymore, I let out a small sniff, as I'm still trying to maintain my composure. Hopefully he'll think I'm just stirring in my sleep. But once he turns on the light on the lamp at his bedside table, I know that was it.

"Hey (Y/N)... I know you're crying, I heard you before I got in." He whispers, hurt evident in his voice. I don't reply, I'm not even sure I can speak without breaking down. "I hate seeing you like this, baby. And I hate that I did this to you." He continues, still pressing kisses to my shoulder.

"I'm fine. Just go to sleep." I mumble out, my voice hoarse.

"I love you." He sighs, feeling a weight lift of his shoulders.

No, no, no. He's saying this out of pity. No. It shouldn't be like this. It only makes me cry harder.

"No, you don't." I sob out, pressing my face ever harder against my pillow, and moving away from his touch. "I don't need your pity."

"What? Pity? How can you even think that?" He sounds angry now, but my mind is too cloudy and hurt to think anything. "I know I should've said it back when you said it to me, but... I didn't. You caught me off guard. I just... I never thought I'd say those three words to anyone ever again after Kath, nor that someone would say them to me. But the truth is I love you, (Y/N). I really do."

He pulls gently on my shoulder so I would lie on my back. I comply effortlessly, but I still cover my bloodshot red eyes with my arm. He grabs my arm and gets it out of my face, fully staring at me, but I'm still trying to avert my gaze from his.

"Hey, look at me." He pleads, hooking his finger under my chin. "I love you. I love you so much."

I feel an urge to cry. This time from happiness. So I pull him down for a tight hug, hooking my arms around his neck, as some tears escape my eyes. "I love you too." I whisper in his ear. He reacts by kissing the crook of my neck.

"Good." He says as he pulls back, smiling down at me before pressing his lips to mine in a loving kiss. "So... do you want to be my girlfriend?"

His smile could light up this entire town.

"Of course I want to. Yes."

He kisses me once again. This time more confidently and deeply.

And for the first time, we fall asleep, enveloped in each other's arms, fully committed. Boyfriend and girlfriend.

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Part 10 ????

Blurred Lines - Henry CavillDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora