Chapter 1

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Jack's POV

I bolt upright and immediately look to my left to make sure he's still here. Only when I see him sleeping, curled around me, I can reassure myself he's alive.

Yet another nightmare where I'm holding his body. I see it far too often and what scares me is I don't know when it will happen. I know it's inevitable, every lover I've ever had died before their time, except for one but I try and block him from my mind.

I'm brought back to reality as Ianto murmurs sleepily. Leaning over, I kiss him gently on the forehead. He stirs but doesn't wake so I slide out of bed and wander through to the kitchen to try my best to make Ianto worthy coffee.

Waiting for the coffee to brew, I sink down at the table with my head in my hands, the epitome of despair, to slip back into my thoughts. After the 456 and Thames house and holding him in my arms, I'd lost all hope. Ianto died in my arms and that was the time I wished I could die too. I didn't want a life without him. That was the time I lay down next to his lifeless body and wanted my eternity of life to be over.

The machine pings, signalling that the coffee is ready and breaking me from my thoughts. Moving over to collect it and finally wake up Ianto, movement catches my eye. Glancing over, I see Ianto standing in the doorway, relief flooding his face.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "What happened?"

He moves towards me and wraps his arms so tight around me I think he might never let go.

"I thought you'd gone" he whispered. "I thought you'd left me for good."

I move away and stare at Ianto in shock. I never realised he cared about me enough to panic when he wakes up alone. I hold him tightly and reply;

"I would never leave you. Not in a million years."

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