The Book

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New York City


The night was still young when Jack and Amanda were exiting the Cinema. For a couple, it was another date that like all other reunions of two lovers went amazingly well.

They seemed to have a type of connection that is described in all those romantic books. The one in which existence skeptics and realists (that means, 90% of people) don't believe. Amanda didn't believe in true love and soulmates too, though she is a really romantic person and loves to watch some cheesy movies and cry about the sad and romantic events in fiction. She was sure that this doesn't exist in the real world. But then she meets Jack and realizes how wrong she was. Everything changes after that.

It wasn't the love from the first sight, no. It was far from that. Let's just say that their first meeting wasn't the most romantic way to start a relationship. It was a total opposite.

Well... 'I and your mom met in a gender-neutral bathroom when I had diarrhea in a mall and I forgot all my gadgets at home and exactly that day I decided to walk to there, so I was trapped and couldn't call anyone to rescue me. Then my future wife A.K.A your mom volunteered to help me and dropped me at my house. Then we met again and I bought her a 'thank you' coffee, and the rest is history. And now she is a walking reminder of the most embarrassing day of my life' isn't something you would want to tell your kids when they'll ask you 'How did you and mommy meet?'

But if you ask him 'Do you regret anything about yours and Amanda's relationship?', he won't hesitate to say 'No'. And it's the truth. Yes, they fight, yes, they hate each other sometimes, but it doesn't change anything. The next day after every fight they manage to find a way to solve the problem and next thing they remember is that they're making out on a couch which leads to other things. Their relationship was just perfect for them with all its imperfections.

It's cold outside and seems like it's about to rain.

"What the hell? Are you kidding me?" Amanda says annoyed, as she looks at the sky.

Rain this days isn't something that you're used to witnessing. It's not just usual rain. It's acid rain. That's the most harmless natural phenomenon, tornadoes are way more terrifying. It all started in 30's when was tested new kind of weapon which is way worse than a nuke. The ozone layer was really close to complete destruction. A lot of innocent humans and other living things died, it was the worst of times. People hid in bunkers, but everyone couldn't be saved. Humanity lost all hope. But luckily enough all the following events happened in the best case scenario. It was a miracle. A great company (it made a lot of amazing noble award worth inventions in 10's, but founder sold it because of unknown reasons, then it was ruined out by next owner that didn't have enough brain to make new inventions) was brought back to life by none other than Elizabeth Wilson, greatest engineer of this days and also Jack's mother, in the safe of founder's house she found notes of the founder of the company. It was like that person predicted the future and knew that the catastrophe was going to happen. In the notes were described mechanisms that could protect people and nature from any cataclysm. Elizabeth continued her work and designed protection suits and also gave life to other very helpful inventions of the genius from the past that weren't finished. Slowly humanity is recovering from this tragedy. Hopefully, now knowing the consequences of weapon usage they won't do the same mistake twice.

"What's the matter, babe?" Jack asks looking at his girlfriend with an amused smile, he loves it when Amanda is angry or annoyed. And most of the times he is the reason why. She's just so hot when she experiences this emotion, let alone how amazing the sex is when a girl is jealous or angry at him and wants to 'punish' him, so you can't blame him for this little fetish.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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