Starstruck 38. Countdown

Start from the beginning

“Definitely not Rick.” Both of us laughed. Something that I haven’t done for a while since her daughter left. It actually felt good to just let it out. As if I didn’t have a care in the world. When the laughter ceased, Andrea reached for my hand across the table. “Glace. . .” she started. “I consider you as my daughter. One day, you’ll marry Dulce. Have a family together. I just want you to know that whenever you miss her, or if you have problems that you want to discuss, I’m here, as your mother.”

I took a deep, trying my best not to break down in front of her. “Thanks Andrea,” I murmured, deeply touched. “I’ll make sure to visit you as often as I can.”

1460 Days Left


The door of the diner made a distinct sound as I opened it with a push, alerting the waitress behind the counter that a new customer arrived. Ignoring her subtle hints completely, I scanned the place until my eyes landed on Tim, waving his hands to catch my attention. With a smile on my face, I adjusted my sunglasses and headed to his direction.

“Frio,” he said breathlessly as I slid down into the booth in front of him. Tim motioned to the huge guy on his right with a shoulder-length brown hair, and muscles that made him look like he belonged to action movies. “This is my boyfriend Fabio. He was also a graduate of our high school.” The Brazilian guy and I nodded at each other politely. “Fabio, this is Frio, an actress, a star, a heartthrob, my number one idol, and of course my best friends girlfriend.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his introduction. “I see that you haven’t changed.”

Tim smiled, his chinky eyes turning into a line. “Well it’s been more than one year since we’ve seen each other, and you’ve changed. A lot.”

“How so?” I asked, totally puzzled by what he meant.

“You look so cute before, but you’re totally, undeniably hotter now,” he said, his eyes scanning my face and body. “I bet Dulce wishes that she was here to see all that hotness of yours. Speaking of that, you’re visiting her next month right?”

At the mention of my impending vacation to France, my whole body exploded with happiness. I have waited more than a year for this, and no one, not the paparazzi or my fans could ever stop me from going straight to my girlfriend’s arms. To Tim I said sheepishly, “Yeah. I’m so excited. And to tell you the truth, Dulce has become way hotter than me. Have you seen her pictures? Man Tim. . . When we talk in the webcam. She’s. . . And her body. . .”

He rolled his eyes for effect. “Yeah, I never knew my best friend would turn out to be a real heartbreaker in the future. Makes me wonder what you two eat for breakfast to look like the way you do.”

“Hey, you look perfect to me,” Fabio said with a hint of accent in his voice, looking straight at Tim. In response, Tim elbowed his boyfriend. It was a sure sign of affection, though I had no idea how boys could be so rough with one another. Maybe it was how things worked with that kind of relationship, I thought in dismissal.  

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