Chapter 5

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~Braiden's P.O.V~

My heart was racing out of my chest. Why did I feel like this? No girl made me feel what I feel right now. I usually just use a girl for the pleasure than leave them even though they come back for more.

But when I was at the school pinning Anna against the lockers her hands were so soft like an angel's wings. It was hard for me to keep my eyes off of her's. I still have no clue what has gotten over me when I did that. I mean really dude what Is wrong with you especially thinking like this.

She says she's not jealous. I saw that she was. She's in denial and I am tempted to prove her wrong.


A few days have passed since that locker moment I had with Anna. Since I got myself a motorcycle well more like my dad got it for me. Since he's always away he just buys me whatever I want.

I'm walking to english class late like usual. As I walk into class I see that there is an empty spot right behind Anna so I might as well take it.

"Hey Fiercie" she turns her back around in the desk and just gives me a blank look.

Well тнαт'ѕ nice I guess, at least she isn't giving me the death stare. She turns back around full on ignoring me.

I have to talk to her and invite her to my party that I'm throwing today since its a Friday and since my dads not going to be home why not?

I just hope she comes. For a strange reason I want her to be there.

~Anna's P.O.V~




I feel a sensation on my back like someone's poking me. I just ignore it though.


There it is again.


I turn around to see Braiden's finger mere inches away from my back to poking me again..

"What do you want?" I ask him in an annoyed tone

"Hey there"

яєαℓℓу? Is he just going to pretend like he wasn't poking my back a million times.

"Ok. listen. I was wondering if u would like to go to my party tonight"

"And why would I go?"

"Because we're friends duh.."

"I already told you that we are иσт friends"

" Oh yeah. Because we are best friends, that's sweet of you to think of me like that Fiercie" he says winking at me.

"That's иσт what I meant" I said starting to get annoyed.

"Keep thinking what you want.. but we know the truth to that" he says as a smirk finds his face.

"Fine. What time is this party at?" I say with my hands crossed over my chest.

"Give me your phone"

"Why...?" I question him with one brow up and the other down.

"So I could put my number in it to give you the info"

And at that I pull my phone out and hand it to him. After he finished he handed it back with a small smile playing at his face.

I turn back around right when the teacher finishes giving instructions for what to do. Perfect.

Now I know exactly what to do (note the sarcasm).


After the final bell rang signaling that school was over I went out to the parking lot towards my car. Right before I opened the drivers door I spotted Braiden with a helmet in his right hand. He looked at me and gave a little smile and then he just had to wink.

He got on to a motorcycle. That motorcycle looks so nice. I wonder how he can afford it since he lives in a similar size house as mine.

He puts his helmet on and speeds off towards another direction from his house. I sound like a stalker.

Moving on..


As I pick out an outfit to wear to the party even though I don't know what time it starts at.

But its never bad to be prepared before hand... right?

I called V and asked her if she's going to the party and just like I wondered, of course she is. We planned on meeting there.

While I was lying down on my black bed with white and gray duvet covers in my bedroom which has gray walls keeping it modern with black and white pictures hung up on them.

I like keeping it simple but still styling it up a bit. Braiden texts me the info and I'm not surprised with the name that he put for him self in my contacts.

'Best friend'...

Yep. That is his name in my contacts.

I don't even bothering changing it because I have a feeling that if he sees it he'll just change it back. I'm just going on a hunch here.


I'm already walking out the door and told my parents that I'll be out late or just sleep at V's even though they weren't to happy about the being out late part they just dropped it thank goodness.

I got into my white 2011 BMW 3 series.
Man, I love my car so much. Its just the nicest thing that I own, that is why I was angry when Braiden left crumbs sprawled everywhere.

I was driving to the address that Braiden gave me and realized that this isn't the way to his house at least I don't think it is.

I finally arrived and my eyes almost popped out when I saw this huge mansion standing in front of me. The mansion was built for a luxurious look with big windows and a beautiful garden in the back that you have almost full view from where I am. I don't think I am at the right place but then that thought went out the window when I heard loud music pumping out of the beautiful mansion and teenagers everywhere, some leaving their cars and some out on the yard and others inside.

I'm really confused right now. I remember dropping him off before and his house being much smaller than this one.

I got out of my car wearing dark blue denim skinny jeans with red high heels and a cute loose white tank top kind of blouse with buttons going down. Since it's August it's still warm outside for a tank top kind of night.

I love high heels. Most girls love makeup or purses but I'm a heel kind of girl.

I go up the porch steps knocking on the door and Braiden opens it as his gorgeous ocean blue eyes looking into my own and then looking me up and down as he stood there speechless.

"Hi..uh.. are you going to let me in?"

"Umm... Hi.. Yeah, come in" he says as he clears his throat and looking back at me.

"Damn" He mutters to himself but I still heard it as he opens the door wider for me to enter as he keeps his eyes on me.


{ Hey ya'll.. The picture on the side is of the red high heels that Anna is wearing to the party and similar jeans to the those as well.

Hope all of you liked Braiden's P.O.V. Let me know if I should do more of them. Feel free to comment and vote:)) Oh! And thank you to my gorgeous and amazing friend Valerie_Hope for the awesome book cover. Love you! She writes amazing books, Go check them out!!-xoxo}

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