Chapter 4

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It's been a week since Braiden was in my car and I can't say I was upset.

I had to clean my car for an hour after I gave him a ride because of the big mess he had left.

How can someone make such a big mess in a car within 30 minutes? Thank goodness that he hasn't asked for a ride again or I would probably be cleaning my car again.

Why do I keep thinking about that jerk of a guy? It couldn't be that I had a crush on him.

Of course not. he's popular and a bad boy I'm just a typical normal boring girl that he would never go for.


I took my seat in English class in the second to last seat to the left corner of the room as the bell rang wearing light skinny jeans with a white hoodie not tight but not big on me either just the perfect comfy size, with my brown combat boots and my black bag on my right shoulder.

I looked around to see if Braiden was in class. I was relieved that he wouldn't be bothering me today in class since he's not here.

I really need to go to the restroom.

"Mrs.Brooks can I use the restroom?"I asked as a good student that I am.

"Yes you can"

And with that I was out of the door in a heartbeat. As I was walking to the bathroom in the hallways I caught two figures in the corner of my eye making out against the lockers.

Teenagers these days, they can't wait until school is over to get into each others throats.

Don't get me wrong I'm a teenager and I think it's okay to kiss in school but not a full make out session.

Especially while you explore on each other's body's like animals eager for pray.

As I approach the two figures since they are right by the girls bathroom I noticed that it's not only a random boy.

It was the one and only Braiden Hunt. Now I see what he was too occupied with instead of being in class. He was too occupied with one of New Hope's cheerleaders.

I was disgusted of how his tongue was down her throat. I just walk past them and ignore them so it wouldn't seem that I care even though I don't.

I walk out of the bathroom and notice that Braiden isn't there anymore or the girl.

I walk back to class casually when out of a sudden I felt a hand on my wrist and turn me around. I was pinned against the lockers as my eyes meet Braiden's.

"What are you doing?"

"I saw you looking at me and Becka making out when you went to the bathroom"

"So. It's called having eyes and looking where I walk so I wouldn't crash into anything"

I didn't know what he wanted from me... I just took a glance. I didn't even know he saw me.

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"And interrupt your make out session? Now why would I do that?"

"Because we are friends and friends say hello or hi when they see each other"

"Who said we were friends"

"I did"

"I didn't say I wanted to be friends with you" I said as he kept me pinned against the lockers and held his grip on my wrists.

"Oh.. I see."

He looked into my eyes like he was seeing diamonds for the first time in his life.

I didn't say a word while my heart was beating more than usual. My breath was caught in my throat as he was leaning in.

His lips brushed against mine. I tried to keep my breathing under control but he was just making it more harder by releasing my left wrist and moving his right hand down to the small of my back.

Managing to pull us closer together he looked down from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes.

"What do you see?" I asked him as my heart rate raised more and more every second his hard chest was touching my stomach.

I knew the answer to that but I just didn't want to face the reality.

"You like me don't you?" He asked as he rose a brow up still looking into my eyes.

No words came out of my mouth. I just stood there no words to say with my left hand on his shoulder as he pulled us closer. He was a lot taller than me so I had to look up and he had to look down.

I always had something to say. But this time nothing came out and this usually didn't happen to me. Ever.

"You ignored me because you were jealous" He moved his head up so his lips didn't brush against mine anymore.

He was looking at my face carefully like he was holding a new born baby to see my reaction.

He thought I was jealous? I am never jealous, In all my life I was everything but jealous.

"Jealous? No..." I responded the no more like a question because I wasn't sure myself if I was.

He cupped my left cheek with his right hand gently, looked around in the hallway and back to my eyes.

"You have nothing to be jealous of... You can deny your feelings but I will always be there to remind you of them."

He released my right wrist and my cheek, he turned around and left towards the front doors of the school never looking back. Leaving me alone and speechless looking like an idiot standing there all by myself.

I told you he was a jerk...


{ If you didn't notice I changed the title of this story. I just felt like the name didn't suite the story. Feel free to comment and vote. I will be updating more often now. Sorry for the really long wait. Hope ya'll enjoyed this chapter -xoxo}

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