The characters

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Camp Rock
Y/n - Y
Mitchie - M
Caitlyn - C
Nate - N
Shane - S
Jason - J
Connie - Cn
Brown - B
Peggy - P
Ella - E

Girl meets World
Riley - R
Maya - Ma
Lucas - L
Farkle - F
Zay - Z
Isadora - I
Cory - Co
Topanga - T
Auggie - Au

Diego - D
Henry - H
Alex - A
Principal- PR
Random girl - Rg
Random girl 2 - Rg2
Random girl 3 - Rg3
Random girl 4 - Rg4
Random boy - Rb
Random boy 2 - Rb2
Random boy 3 - Rb3
Random boy 4 - Rb4

Y/n x Nate
Mitchie x Shane
Caitlyn x Jason
Riley x Lucas
Maya x Farkle
Zay x Smakle/ Isadora

This is a Nate x reader story so the reader is a girl. This is what everything mean
Y/n - your name
F/n - first name
L/n - last name
N/n - nickname
Y/a - your age
E/c - eye color
H/c - hair color
F/c - favorite color
F/s - favorite song
F/f - favorite food
F/d - favorite dessert

I don't own these characters, I basically own you I think. I think that's how it works 🤣. I'm just making a story with them as characters and them exactly who they are and I'm also using their places in the series or film. These characters are owned by Disney and Nickelodeon

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