"You are one stubborn girl Davina Claire." Isabel sighed and crossed her arms.

Davina gave her a look as she held out a vial giving Isabel a chance to take it or not.


Davina was in the middle of setting up for the spell by laying down a large salt circle around a chaise lounge. Once she finished she turned to look at Josh who looked worried.

"So, it's really just a simple suspension spell. The poison stops the heart, and the spell keeps us from dying for good."

"Us?!" Josh turned to Isabel, concluding that she was a part of the 'us'. "You were suppose to talk her out of something like this! Not go along with it let alone do it!"

"I can help protect her there, Josh. The kid gave me no choice."

Davina sighed knowing he wasn't going to like this. "Josh, the witches won't even look at me, let alone help me. If I'm gonna find out if that spell really works, I need to go to the only witch any of us can trust, and that would be Kol."

"Hmm. Your dead friend who currently resides in spooky-witch-purgatory along with all the other dead spirits who shunned you? Sure! What could possibly go wrong?"

"Relax! We're just gonna pop over and pop back. Easy." She paused for a moment before she continued. "...All I need to do is channel some of your power."

Isabel moved to the circle as she felt the poison start to work while Josh gaped at Davina in shock and exasperation. "No. Uh-uh. No, no, no. You see this foot, Davina? This is me putting it down for once, okay? For your own good." Just then, Davina got woozy and stumbled, the poison finally hitting her. Josh rushed forward to catch her before she fell on the ground. "Oh... Easy." He walked her over to the chaise lounge and sat her down when he realized what had happened.

"Uh, and you two already took the poison, didn't you?" He asked.


Isabel gave him a thumbs up to confirm it as she rubbed her head of the dizziness that wouldn't go away.

Josh sighed knowing there was nothing he could do now. "Huh. Okay. For the record, if you looked up 'uncool' in the dictionary, there would just be a tiny drawing of what's happening right now."

"We get it, Josh. And we love you too. Now would you do us this favor please?" She asked as she looked up at Josh.

Josh looked between the two of them, both giving him pleadingly look, and Josh finally relented. "What do I need to do?"

Davina weakly picked up a knife before taking his hand and slicing both his palms open. She then grabbed Isabels and sliced hers before doing her own palm as well. The two then grasped Josh's bleeding hands tightly.

"Whatever happens, don't let go, okay? You're my link to the living." The two girls closed their eyes and relaxed, letting the poison take over as Josh looked at them worriedly, keeping his hands clutched to theirs.

The world became gray-toned to the two girls the minute they opened their eyes and sat up on the chaise lounge. Isabel stood and looked around her before Davina finally stood with her.

Crescent Queen {2} Mikaelson or KennerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα