Chosen angst

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Imagine Chosen waking up in the middle of the night screaming because he had a nightmare he was a slave again (maybe to a different animator, but a slave nonetheless)

Imagine when he and Dark get close he begins to call for Dark in his sleep and screams for her as he wakes up because he feels safe around her

Imagine after the fight Chosen still calls out for Dark

Imagine Chosen slowly starting to call out for Second, not because he feels safer, but because he's always worried something happened to him

Imagine Chosen feeling distrustful towards the animator because he always feels like he's leading him into a false sense of security

Imagine Chosen panicking when someone/something grabs his foot/ankle because it reminds him of the ball and chain he had when he was an add-blocker

Imagine him hugging Dark for an unusual long amount of time because he's never been able to experience physical affection before

Imagine him trying to stay up all night to avoid having nightmares about being a slave again

Imagine him getting more and more paranoid because of his insomnia

Imagine him being extremely protective of Second because he doesn't want him to end up like him

Imagine him trying to get over his past

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