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⚠️I'm posting this on April fools but this ISN'T a joke⚠️

If you've read this book and my last book, then you know I have a habit of portraying the animator as a villain that enjoys the suffering of sticks. But after some thinking, I've been way too hard on him.

1. Because I've written so much angst that I'm in no place to talk (the animator probably didn't even think they were alive, while believe that the sticks are alive (in their universe) so I have no excuse)

2. More importantly, I've been reading some Bible verses that said I should forgive everyone and released I've been been being bitter towards him, and as my pastor puts it "Being bitter is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die" so yeah

So as an apology, I'm putting some (mostly) wholesome animator headcanons here so you all can see he's not a heartless monster, I've just been bitter to him (for something I probably would've done)

The animator and Second talk a lot and have become really open to each other

The other sticks have have talked with the animator (with Second speaking for them, of course)

Basically the squad's dad

Really, REALY wants to make up with Chosen and Dark

Will gush about how adorable his baby is when asked (because irl Alan has a wife and child)

Wants to teach said baby sticks are alive and should be treated like other humans so she doesn't make the same mistakes he did growing up

Does everything he can to help Chosen with past trauma, but most of the time Chosen just asks him the leave him alone

He protcc (his sticks) but also attacc

Sometimes he will play games with his sticks instead of them just watching

Just kinda assumed they were all boys, so when Second refereed to Blue as a "she" he was kinda token aback and was super apologetic to Red and Blue (maybe not wholesome, but thought it was funny so)

Wants to hug them all, but because they're basically in different plains of existence he can't, so sometimes he'll just hug his computer

And now, my worst offender of the; "animator is a jerk" works, the angst AU, get some unique headcanons

A more regretful about his past actions, but is surprisingly more open to Second

Tries to make sure Second and Chosen are comfortable no matter what, and does as much as he to make sure that they stay close together

Learned how to treat sticks wounds to help Second and Chosen

Got a few Animal Crossing games just for Second and Chosen so they could make a place where they could relax (I have never played an Animal Crossing game but I just know their relaxing so)

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