A One Shot For SADW0RLDS

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I don't usually write one shots, but anything for you SADW0RLDS ❤️

"Charlie?" I called out into the empty studio apartment that my boyfriend, Charlie Puth, and I share.

No reply.

"Charbear!" I call again, hoping the pet name might make him wanna come out and see me.

Still nothing.

I hum to myself while I hang up my coat and put my car keys where I know I'll probably forget, and I head down the hallway to Charlie and I's shared bedroom.

I freeze before I can get to the door because I hear noises.

I push the door open and gasp at the sight. There was Charlie, going down on some blond girl in OUR bed.

"Charlie!" I screamed, causing him to jump.

"Brooke!" He cries, face red and sweaty, and his eyes filled with fear.

"What the hell!" My voice is strained. Seriously? After everything Charlie and I had been through, he was gonna throw it all away for a one night stand?

"Brooke, it's not what it looks like!" Charlie climbed off of the girl, reaching for his shirt which was lying on the floor.

I lunged him and pushed him back. "You are such a—" I never finished because the next thing I knew my hands were around the girls throat.

She struggled beneath my grasp and whimpered, but I didn't let go. I had a kind of wild anger in my eyes. I swung my fist hard and fast into her nose and dropped her limp body onto the bed. She laid there and sobbed, while Charlie got up and tried to grab my shoulders.

"Brooke what are you doing! Are you crazy?"

I spun around quickly pushing Charlie off of me. "Are you kidding me! You're calling me crazy!? YOU?"

Charlie didn't flinch, he just returned my angry tone. "I'M NOT THE ONE WHO'S TRYING TO KILL SOMEONE!"


Charlie stumbles back, a stunned expression on his face. "Oh, my...god!" He sputtered, bringing a hand to his face.

"Oh? Were you too horny to stop and realize what you were doing?" I snapped.

Charlie didn't answer, he just let his head fall into his hands.

The girl on the bed finally spoke up. "Charlie? I thought you said she wasn't your girlfriend?"

"YOU SAID WHAT!" I screamed.

"I wasn't thinking, Brooke, I-" Charlie started but I cut him off. "YOU KNOW WHAT? GOODBYE! YOU ARE A LYING, CHEATING, BASTARD! I DON'T EVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN!"

I sent one final blow to Charlie's chest before running out of our apartment.

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