Travis Scott's Coming To Town

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*Travis Scott was enjoying himself in Magnolia Blossom Willow Creeks' local park playing chess alone like a fucking loser, having only the happiest of thoughts, because Travis Scott had recently purchased two tickets to Travis Scott's Concert in Willow Creek.*

Travis had always loved Travis Scott's music, not to mention his good looks, so when he heard Travis Scott was coming to Willow Creek he was ecstatic; he quickly called up his best friend, Summer Holiday.*

Travis Scott: "Omg hey bestie! GUESS WHAT!!!"

Summer Holiday:",,,,,,,,  What?"

*Summer said in a bored voice*

Travis Scott: "TRAVIS SCOTT IS COMING TO Willow Creek!!!"

*He let out a little squeal of glee*

Summer Holiday: "You already live here dumba-"

Travis Scott: "Im so excited i already bought two tickets; aaaaaaaaaaaannnd~ I was hoping you would come with me..."

*Though Summer couldn't see it, Travis Cracked the slightest of smirks, hoping his bestie would go with him*

Summer Holiday: "Wait,,,, You only bought TWO tickets?! What about Liberty! I can't just go without her!"

*Travis audibly gasped. He couldn't believe that he'd forgotten about his other. but not as close bestie! He just got so excited about the thought of going to see his favorite artist with his BEST BESTIE that he'd forgotten to buy three tickets! "ᵀʳᵃᵛᶦˢ"He felt so stupid but he didn't want to admit that he'd forgotten about her! He suddenly blushed, and a devious thought came to his mind! What if he,,,, just lied!"ᵀʳᵃᵛᶦˢ" Yeah! Thats what he'd do! "ᵀʳᵃᵛᶦˢ"He'd just say that the tickets were almost instantly sold out and he was incredibly lucky to buy two tickets, yeah, yeah! He tried to buy three but he wasnt able! "ᵀʳᵃᵛᶦˢ"A devious smirk came to his face he was about to start telling his fib-*

Summer Holiday: "TRAVIS!!"

*Travis snapped out of his silence. Had he really been silent for that long?*

Summer Holiday:"Travis are you okay?! You've been silent for like five minutes!" "I was literally calling out your name, what the heck!?"

Travis Scott: "Oh! I'm so sorry I was just,,,, I just zoned out I'm so sorry! I was just,,,,,,, I felt bad about not being able to buy three tickets,,"

*Travis murmured that last part"

Summer Holiday: "he-"

Travis Scott:"I'm sorry! I tried to buy three tickets but they were sold out! I didn't want to tell Liberty about this at all, because I didn't want her to feel bad that I wanted to take you instead of her! You know I love Liberty, but,,,,, shes not you summer."

*Travis hid a fake whimper in the end of his sentence really hoping to sell the performance, everything he said was true, mostly, except for the part where he wanted to buy two tickets, if he was able to he WOULD'VE took Liberty to the concert, buuuut the tickets really WERE sold out now, and since nobody was there hovering over him as he bought the tickets there could be no way for anyone to realize his lie. Another smirk started to grow on his face, his dark brown orbs started to light up, he always did enjoy getting away with lies, especially to people who knew him well. He would never tell lies about anything important just little fibs to make him look better and more considerate, but he was getting ahead of himself, Summer was blabbing on and on! He wasn't even listening!*

Summer Holiday:"But anyway, that's not important im sorry for blabbing so much,,, I think it's sweet you feel so bad about Liberty, don't worry I'll come up with an excuse so we cam go,,, I feel bad about this but, we should still have a good time,,,,,,, okay I'm gonna go, gotta make something up to Liberty, I'm really excited about going to this concert with you Travis! Goodbye!"

*As Summer hung up Travis couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt wash over his body as he thought about his bestie having to lie for HIM because of HIS lie! But there wasn't time to feel guilty! Travis fanned away that thought, he was about to finish up his pathetic game of chess when an attractive girl sat down across from him, he looked up and down her body,she was an elderly dark skinned woman with grey hair styled in a pixie cut wearing a red jacket, his entire body repulsed he got up silently, but quickly, he was NOT into that type of girl.*

*She looked disappointed as he walked away with the ugliest look on his mug, she frowned to herself got up from that specific table and started to approach another young man, Travis simply rolled his eyes as he started his trek home.*

"Just another cougar.."

*Travis rolled his eyes and internally groaned. It was then something flared in his eye. Sunlight! It was reflecting off of,,,, A wedding right?!?!*

*He was almost out of the park by now, and Travis frowned even harder than he thought possible, he scoffed held his head up high as he made his way out of the park and expelled her from his mind*

Scott in the crowd(Travis Scott (straight up)x Travis Scott (the sims))Where stories live. Discover now