Close Your Eyes, Mr. Player ~ Chapter 15

Começar do início

"Hannah?" she looked at me, smiling. "What if this was all for nothing. What if he still hates me after all of this? I'm going to pour my heart and soul out to Jesse, and it might not even make a difference," I said as I sat down on a bench against the wall. I pulled my knees up to my chest. "I don't know. I don't know if this is smart. I understand this is all my fault, but I don't know if I can take another rejection."

She sighed and slowly walked over to me, sitting down next to me. "Melody, Jesse is more in love with you that anything in the world. That's something I never expected to see, ever. And that's something you can't let go of," she said, holding my hand.

I turned my head and gave her a sly smile. "Do you practice these pep talks?"


I leaned on my best friends shoulder and we sat in silence. And as we sat, I thought about everything that has happened to me over the past month and a half. I don't know how so much could've happened to me. I fell in love with the player, I lost my virginity to my best friend, I lost the guy I loved, and now I was being ignored by the one person he actually claimed to love me more than anything. I don't know how my life could've gotten so bad that fast. "I'm a walking disaster."

Hannah slapped my arm and I stared at her. Before I could open my mouth to yell at her, she spoke. "Melody, you only think of yourself as unlucky. When are you going to understand how amazing you are? Melody, whether you get Jesse back or not, you're going to have the best life." I didn't realize I was crying now until she reached out and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "You're such a hard-working, determined, beautiful person. Believe me, if anyone deserves to have their dreams come true, it's you. Even if you have made a few mistakes."

I nodded, and hugged my best friends. "I need to fix them, Hannah. I just don't know how," I say, my voice muffled by her shoulder.

"Well," she said, pulling back to look me in the eyes. "You should start with your parents. You need to go home. As much as I love you hogging the blanket every night," she said, sticking her tongue out at me. I slapped her knee. 

I nodded. "Okay. I'll do it. Tomorrow," I said, jumping up so we could pay for my new dress.


"I still don't know why you're dragging me to this thing," Tara said as I heard her perch herself on the edge of my bed. "I hate Palmer almost as much as you do. We should just both not go," she said, falling back against my pillows. "I know!" she said, suddenly jumping up. We rent a shit load of scary movies, grab a six pack and stay up all night." I could imagine her waggling her eyebrows at me.

I smirked. "Tempting, but no. I go every year. Palmer's a dick, but I am not missing this party. And I'm not going alone. You're coming," I said, finding my way to me bed and falling back on my pillows. 

I felt Tara place her head on my chest, her hands folded under her chin. "But then people might think we're dating. And that isn't true," she said with a laugh. I smirked and found the end of her ponytail, tugging it lightly. "The real reason you want to go is because a small part of you is hoping that Melody is going to be there."

I smiled widely and shook my head. "That's not true."

"Sure it's not!" she said, and suddenly Tara smacked my face with a pillow. "I have waited to do that all day," she exclaimed, holding back her obvious laughter. 

I growled and grabbed her around the waist, pinning her under me, and I started tickling her. As she laughed, I imagined it was Melody. I imagined her beautiful laugh, and the sound of her voice. I imagined seeing her beautiful face, staring into her eyes. And before I could stop myself, I was pressing my lips to hers. 

For a minute she hesitated, but then she was pushing me off of her. "Jesse! What are you doing?" Tara's voice suddenly said, interrupting my fantasies.

My eyes widened and I quickly got off of her, running a shaky hand through my hair. Did I really just do that? I took a few deep breaths, when I felt Tara's hand on my shoulder. "Jesse, it's okay. Jesse?" she said as she tried to turn me.

"I forgot it was you," I admitted.

"I know. Don't worry about it." she wrapped her arms around me, and I hugged her back. Tara was probably one of my best friends now, and the fact that she was so supportive about everything I was going through was the most comforting thing. 

But still, when she hugged me, a part of me wished it was Melody. 


Hey guys! Okay, so its been almost a week I think since my last chapter update and I was feeling generous and since you guys are so amazing, I thought I should probably update this for you! :D So here's chapter 15, and also, don't forget to go read Saving Sarah :) It could use a little love <3

Please remember to Vote and Comment and Fan if you havent already :D Thanks guys, love you!


Close Your Eyes, Mr. Player Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora