Chapter 3: We're just visiting: Seigaku

Start from the beginning

" *sigh* fine just make sure he doesn't brag anymore. " I told Rika who sent me a small smile. We went towards the tennis court while Rika was smirking all the way. Akira was also smirking but for a different reason.

I glanced at Rika who was looking at Akira with an evil smirk, I sighed that guy better be prepared to see hell earlier before his death.'

I sat at the bench, Rika was holding her racket on her right hand. ' Hmm Rika wants to play around with him '

" Rika don't send him to the hospital this early" I shouted at Rika, which earned me a smirk and an irk mark. 

> Rika's Pov<

'Hmph if he was going to play against me he could have made it more challenging.' I looked at Akira who was laying down and breathing heavily.

"si-six - zero ak-akira's opponent wins." a second year said who was gaping through out the match.

I wouldn't be surprised a "boy" beaten a "great tennis player" ( notice the sarcasm ;P ) in just five minutes and only winning using serves all throughout the game. Ryoma told me not to send him to the hospital so fine, but I did gave him a glimpse of hell only a glimpse!!! so I shouldn't get scolded. And akira was only staring into space not like those other souls who was playing against us.

I suddenly heard a tennis ball coming towards me, I gripped my racket and got ready to return the ball back to the bastard who attempted to hit me. But my overly protective twin brother got ahead of me. I turned towards the guy who sent the tennis ball towards me.

He was wearing a green bandana and a blue jersey that says "seigaku" at the back. One word can describe this guy "scary" but not that scary to intimidate me and Ryoma. Ryoma was looking at that guy with anger I saw Ryoma taking a ball from his pocket, I knew he wanted to hit that guy back. I just took hold of his arm to stop him, he relaxed but was still alert if the guy wearing the bandana will attack us again.

"Fsaaa what are you looking at?"

I was tempted to hit him with all the ball I could reach, but my brother who was beside tapped his raquet in his shoulder, meaning that he wants to play this time.

* Conversation in their Head*(Yep! Since they are twins xP)

'Are you sure Ryoma? You know I can take care of him myself.'

He shook his head.

'Nope Ri I can't let you do all the work now can I?'

I sighed

' Fine but make it quick we aren't suppossed to draw more attention to us.'

'So does that mean i can crush him/' he said with a smirk.

' Sure Ryo you can have a "Crush" on him, I approve of your relationship' i said with a smirk.

'Ughhh Ri come on you know what I mean....So can I?' he asked.

'Alright you can but you are gonna pay for any hospital bill' i said grumbling, last time Ryoma "Crushed" a guy who was trying to flirt with me in the court I had to pay for the guy's hospital Bill.

'Thanks Ri don't worry i'll make sure he'll just suffer.' he said with an evil glint.

*Back to the Real World* (Still Rika's POV)

The 'scary' guy wearing a bandana turned and staring walking away, but not before saying something that i knew Ryoma or maybe even me will send this guy straight to the graveyard.

"Little Shrimps like you two better leave now" he said as he was walking towards the exit of the tennis court.

After saying that Ryoma snapped but he did'nt show it, but i could.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2013 ⏰

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