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the feeling of being different from others can be a lonely one. even the word "different" doesn't seem to do it justice. it's more like being a completely separate species. where everything you think and do never seem to match up to anyone else. sometimes you feel as if others can sense this oddness about you, you seemingly stick out like a sore thumb. others gawking, wondering what kind of animal you are. this can weigh on your consciousness, and you begin to get the feeling that you are the strange one. but maybe it's not you, maybe it's them. maybe you are the only person who really understands. although, that seems to be a rather bold comment, I'm not so delusional as to think I am the only one who truly comprehends the earth and all it's glory. but, it does seem that way at times. i believe there should be a telekinetic way of communication for people who think in the same manner as you do. one epiphany inside your mind, and you can then connect to all others who have had the same, "aha" moment. this way, in theory even the oddest of human beings can find their soulmate. just know that no matter how strange or different you seem, know there is someone out there; most likely many others that think and feel as deeply as you do. it is extremely rare to find that person or people so and when you find them, you will know. it's a connection that flows as deep as the bottom of the earth. you are now tied together forever. it's as though nothing can break it, nothing can change it. it seems that if you lose this bond, you'll be gone. washed away, into the never ending abyss of darkness. starved for that feeling of understanding that you've never felt before and will never feel again. so cling to it. hold on, and never let go. for this is your heaven.

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