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UA was still at night. That was one thing he'd always liked. The near pitch blackness around campus was intoxicating; the silence let you swim in your own thoughts as if they were an Olympic-sized pool. Tonight was different. Tonight he was meeting Katsuki Bakugou and Ochako Uraraka in the arena where they'd all once fought for their place in the class. Shouto Todoroki sighed as he pushed open one of the set of double doors leading to the arena. He lit a small flame in his hand to be able to navigate through the halls before stepping into the open arena. It was nearly empty except for two figures. It had to be Uraraka and Bakugou. 

Ochako rolled her eyes as Bakugou called out to Todoroki, "Hey, Icy-Hot, you're late!" 

"We're not even supposed to be here, Bakugou. Lower your voice, please," Todoroki sighed as he sat on one of the benches, "Why are we here Uraraka? You are the one who sent the message.." 

"I did..." Ochako nodded, "Because I think that we should find him...when we're out there. I think we should be the ones to bring him home." 

"I doubt he's on A Island," Endeavor's son seemed to be dismissive of the idea. 

"And if he is we'll kick his ass," Bakugou's voice was much louder than it should be for this time of night. 

"You exploding pineapple," the female growled quietly, "Is fighting all you think about?" 

"You don't pay attention to him or you'd know that," Shouto Todoroki smiled softly for the first time that Ochako Uraraka had seen. 

"You idiots don't understand. If the villains have him, he's already on their side. We have to get rid of him or actually make him want to be on our side," Katsuki Bakugou had turned his back on the others while he spoke. 

A gasp of surprise passed the small girl's lips, "Bakugou...y-you have a plan to find him, don't you?" 

"No, dumbass, or I would've found him already..." Katsuki Bakugou's face fell as he spoke, "but I do have a plan in case he gets in my way." 

"Well, now that that's settled," Todoroki sighed, glancing towards the door, "I suppose we should get some sleep. We'll need to train as a team if we plan to take Midoriya down." 


It's short because I had no idea where to go with this. Hope it fits. 

Word Count: Pathetic 357

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