In my mind, I was jumping for joy and screaming like crazy. But I had to control myself and behave like a lady.

"Yes, Yoshito. I'd love to be your girlfriend" I smiled.

"R-Really?!" he couldn't believe it, he was so happy.

"Yes" I replied and kissed his cheek.

He smiled and began to smile like a fool. He looked so adorable.

Yoshito's POV:

She said yes! I couldn't believe it! I was the happiest guy on earth! Miyako was my girlfriend now! Finally something good happens to me! After that we decided to go get something to eat. Miyako had made me forget about my problems for a while. We had dinner together and then I accompanied her to her house. Her grandmother was very strict, so she still hadn't introduced her to me. However, I was eager to introduce her to my parents.

"Good night, Miyako" I told her.

"Good night, Yoshito! I'll see you tomorrow at school!" she smiled to me and entered her house.

After that, I headed home. It was already night and the house was very quiet. I was wondering if Ryu had already returned to the house or if Yûsuke had already left his room.

"I'm home" I announced, waiting for an answer.

Nobody answered. I decided to go take a shower and put on my pajamas. Then I went back down to the kitchen and sat down to eat some ice cream. It was so strange to be there without mom, without dad and without my brothers. I felt alone.

"Yoshito?" it was my dad.

"Hey. Where is everybody?" I asked him.

"Your mother is in the room resting, Yûsuke hasn't left his room and Ryu stayed to sleep at a friend's house" he sighed and opened the fridge.

I saw him search the bottom of the fridge for a beer. It was the first time I had seen him drink. He took a seat at the table too and took a sip.

"Is mom okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she's fine. She's only somewhat distressed" he responded.

"And how do you feel?" I asked him.

"Ashamed. Regretful. We should've told you the truth a long time ago, but we didn't have the courage to do it. Now, these are the consequences" he replied and took another sip.

"I don't want to talk about it without my brothers being present" I told him.

"I thought you already knew everything" he took another sip.

"I did. I knew mom was sick, I realized it myself, but decided to keep it a secret as she asked" I explained to him.

"And why did you do it?" he asked me and looked at me, "exactly, because you didn't want to worry them. Because you didn't want to see them sad or distressed. Does that sound familiar to you?"

"The way I found out wasn't the most appropriate. What were you planning to do when mom ends up in the hospital all of a sudden? Were you going to wait for her to die to tell us? Do you have any idea how horrible it would've been?" I asked him.

"Of course I do" he responded.

"You don't know how much it hurt me to have to hide the truth from my brothers, but mom begged me not to do it and I decided to trust her" I clenched my fists with anger.

"Of course I know it! Do you think it didn't hurt us too?" he hit the table, "your mother and I have spent months trying to find a solution for her to recover. We even moved here because we thought we had hope. We didn't want to tell you anything until we were sure there was no salvation for her."

My father squeezed the beer can, trying to contain his tears.

"We would've fought together, as a family. In my opinion, it's better to know in advance that a loved one is going to die. That gives you time to say goodbye and prepare for his death. But losing it suddenly, that does terrify me" I told him and stood up.

My father began to cry without being able to contain himself. I left the kitchen, leaving him alone to let off steam. I wiped a few tears from my face and went to my parents' room. There was mom sitting on the bed, looking at some family photos.

"Yoshito" she sobbed.

I walked over to her and hugged her once more. I was a little annoyed with her too, but I loved her too much to leave her alone at such a time. I wouldn't let my pride overcome me.

"I'm so sorry" she mumbled.

"Calm down, mom. It's okay. I haven't come to reproach you" I told her.

She pulled away from me and stared at me.

"You're too kind, my son. I don't deserve you" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, please, don't say that. That's not true" I told her, containing my tears.

"It's true. I've always taught you to tell the truth, and look at me, I'm a liar" she said.

"You also taught me that people make mistakes, but that the important thing is to learn from them" I tried to cheer her up.

"You have matured so much. You don't know how proud I am of you" she finally smiled a little.

I gave her another big hug.

"Don't worry, mom. Everything will be resolved soon. You'll be fine" I told her, although, in part, I also said it to myself.


At least not all is bad news! Now Miyako and Yoshito are officially a couple! What will happen now with the family drama? Read on to find out!

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