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   A young alpaca sprinted desperately through the corridor of Cherryton school. Blood dripped as he ran, leaving behind trail of small, crimson puddles. 

   Drip. Drip. Drip.

   Behind him followed a predator. 

   A carnivore.

   Tall, dark, hungry..

   He slammed the doors to the lecture hall closed and slid down to a resting position, panting heavily.

   'He's gone feral!'  His mind raced, and flooded with his inner thoughts. Deep down, Tem knew it would happen.

   There was nothing usual about it.

   "H-hey.." Tem breathed out, speaking softly to his stalker. "Are you seriously trying to eat your own classmate? D-didn't we always have class together...?" 

   There was no reply.

   "Or do you--" He was interrupted by the dark figure's attempt to break open the doors. Tem shrieked, and got up to continue to run. 

   "You never saw me as a classmate, did you?!" The frail spirit shouted. 

   The doors to the lecture hall burst open, and revealed a large, terrifying figure.

   'Damn carnivores.. to you..

We're just vulnerable prey.'


   The two stared at each other in silence; predator and prey.

   "You're the inferior species.." Tem spoke, venom laced in his words. "You carnivores are nothing but monsters!"

   The dark figure bared its large, alarmingly sharp fangs, and brought them down on the gentle alpaca.

   Bones snapped and blood spilled as the carnivore ate the poor animal.

   The creature devoured Tem, leaving an unrecognizable corpse behind.


[Leave me some comments and feedback ~ Kojot]

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