Start from the beginning

"P-Preliminary?" Sakura echoed, blinking blankly at the Jonin.

"What do you mean "preliminary"?" Shikamaru exclaimed. "Why aren't we doing the next exam as the remaining test-takers?"

Hayate sighed. "This time around, perhaps the first and second exams were easy, so there are too many people left. In accordance with the rules of the Chuunin Exams, a preliminary will be held in order to reduce the number of people advancing."

"N-No way!" Ino squeaked, eyes wide.

"As Lord Hokage said before, many guests will be coming to the third exam, most notably the Fourth Kazekage—"

Naruko and Fuu noted that Gaara looked particularly displeased, while his siblings were merely indifferent.

"—the Fourth Mizukage—"

Fuu's face was a mix of hope and excitement while Naruko and Gaara exchanged smirks; they forgot Fuu had no idea that Yagura was the Mizukage, so she was probably hoping for either him or Utakata to be in the platoon of shinobi that always accompanied a Kage. They would have to remember to bring a camera to take a shot of her face when she found out what exactly their beloved older brothers were now.

"—and the Fourth Raikage."

Naruko's eyebrows flew to her hairline; Kumo was coming? From what she knew, Konoha had a strained relationship with that particular Hidden Village, especially since they had attempted to kidnap the three-year-old Hyuuga heiress. She idly wondered if either Bee or her mother could possibly one of be the Raikage's bodyguards, unless he was like Yagura and only had one. From what she heard about the Fourth, he was young but powerful. Naruko suppressed a smile at the thought of Killer Bee being Raikage while his solitary bodyguard was Yugito. She sweatdropped at the mental image; 'On second thought, Kumo would almost definitely deteriorate within less than a week under Killer Bee's reign...'

"So we can't have pointless matches, and our time is limited as well," Hayate continued to explain. "Therefore, those of you not in top physical condition and who wish to drop out now, please speak up. The preliminary will begin immediately, so—"

"Immediately?" Kiba repeated incredulously. Naruko reached over and slapped his head upside down, successfully quieting the rowdy Inuzuka.

"But we finally made it through the second exam..." Sakura sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She was feeling a headache coming on.

"This is a pain..." Shikamaru grumbled from behind Ino.

"Oh, and I forgot to mention this, but it will be individual battles from now on," Hayate added. "It is your decision, so feel free to raise your hands and drop out."

'Who in their right mind would quit?' Sasuke questioned almost incredulously. He hadn't come this far, to only come this far. He winced and grabbed his shoulder.

"Sasuke?" Sakura whispered worriedly. Naruko glanced back at her teammate's whisper, her brow furrowing in concern as Sasuke's face screwed up in pain, clenching his shoulder so tight his knuckles turned white.

'The waves of pain are coming faster,' Sasuke noted through gritted teeth.

"Sasuke, you should quit these preliminaries," Sakura whispered quickly. She sensed more than saw Sasuke's eyes widen incredulously. Naruko remained calm as she observed her seemingly-volatile teammate. "L-Look, you haven't been yourself ever since you got bit by that Orochimaru guy. That bruise hurts even now, right? At this rate..." Her mind unwillingly flashed back to back in the Forest of Death, from the moment Orochimaru bit Sasuke's neck to when he had, for lack of better terminology, transformed. "Please... please quit."

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