Thank you and I'm sorry

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(note:this chapter is not a poem But a song that I made.Hope you like it)

Thank you,for making me happy
Thank you,for always taking care of me
But what if you're not here?
You're the only reason
Of my happiness
Please be happy without me
Even though im not with you
Spring comes,but you're still not here
Winter comes,but you're still not here
My love for you is always here
My love for you will never fade
Thank you,for making me happy and im sorry if i'm the reason of your sadness
Thank you,for always taking care of me and im sorry for letting you go
The memories that we kept for years
Are now gone
Im sorry if I couldn't tell you that"I love you"
Im sorry if can't protect you
But please cherish the moment that we had
Thank you,for being here when
I need you and
Thank you,for loving me until the end
Last night I have a dream
A sad dream,that contains of me leaving you and seeing you crying
But please don't cry too much beacause of me
You deserve someone better
Thank you,for making me happy and im sorry if im the reason of your sadness
Thank you,for always taking care of me and im sorry for letting you go
I want to tell you how much I love you
But now your gone

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