
30 4 1


Good morning, how are you today?
It’s been a while, I can say.
It’s been a while since I heard your laughs.
Your laughs to our jokes, remember that?
As if it were yesterday, we said to see each other on Monday.
To start another week together, to play.
But as if it were yesterday, we also said goodbye.
It felt like my heart was shattered into tiny pieces.
My heart was broken.
It was to keep us safe, I know that.
But I can’t help to think, what if?
What if, that didn’t happen.
What if, our last months together weren’t ruined.
Wow, what a journey right?
Look at the path that we walked on.
Those moments, where we would laugh at nothing.
Those moments, where we would practice for something.
Those moments, where we would support each other with everything.
Yes, it was tiring.
It was tiring to get through all our hardships.
But, we made it!
Although it wasn’t celebrated, we did it.
Everything passed fastly, like wind.
It surely was an adventure.
I hope all of you take care of yourselves.
Because I can’t anymore.
I’ll just be here, watching you all from afar.
Reaching all your dreams, working hard.
I’ll always be proud of all of you, remember that.
Thank you for everything, and I love you all each and every day.

Made by:therealkonnyyy

Poetry and LetterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt