Chapter 23: Visiting Parent in Law

Start from the beginning

Khun P was upset at me.

I just found that he messaged and called for me for several times. But, seems that my phone was in silent mode. I didn't hear for anything. Moreover, I was in the middle of meeting with my new club, for our event next month.

I realized that he became so sensitive when I close to another one. Then, P'Gun must be one of them. After the photo that I sat on his lap, P'Gun called for me in this morning. Then, followed by this afternoon. I took a lunchbox with P'Gun and missed several calls from Khun P. I understood his jealousy.

I need to deal with myself that I am dating.

With a guy.

Super jealousy guy.

Actually, I set my schedule today to be busier than before as I didn't want to go to Ayutthaya. I didn't ready yet to meet his family. For P'Thorn, it must be okay. But, with his mom and dad, it must be frightening. I didn't want to.

But, fate is coming with different plan. I myself standing here. Offering myself to follow him to Ayutthaya.

I looked at my watch. 3.30 PM. Then, I saw him walked toward the parking lot. His face was brightening, then turned to be pouted when he saw me.

"P'Tharn.....", I called him

He just look at me.

"Can I go with you to your home?"

"You don't need to", he rejected me.

But, I would not surrender. "I cancelled my schedule this afternoon. So I am free"

"Go to your club. They need your help". He entered the car, closed the door. I run to another side, tried to open the door. But, it was still locked. Then, I run to his front side of his car. "Move", I heard him shouted at me.

I didn't follow him. I standstill. He turn the horn for several times. I closed my eyes as it hurt my ears. Then, I saw that the left door was opened. I didn't want to lose that opportunity. I run, entered the car. I put the safety belt.

I understood what to do next.

"Just sit down. Don't talk to me as I am still upset at you", he told me harshly. The same words as I thought in my mind.

I just nodded.

He started the car, then drove. No word. He pouted. His face was annoyed. I didn't dare to provoke him. I let him for a while.

Be quiet, Type.


Tharn POV

He followed my order, he was mute along the way.

But, finally he felt asleep with a lunchbox and glass of soda were hold tightly with his hands. I turned the car aside, then stop it.

He leaned his head to the window, then I can see his neck. I still saw the red marks, a bit faded. Champ and Techno must make a fun of him all the day.

I pat his head.

I took the food from his hand, then put it aside. It was the same lunchbox as I saw before, when we met in Club Building. I suspected that it was his lunch.

I caressed his cheek. He opened his eyes, looked at me. "Arrived?", he asked me

I shook my head. "Did you finish your lunch?", I asked him

Then, he realized that his lunchbox has been gone. "Where is my lunchbox?"

I rolled my eyes aside.

TharnType The Series - My Flower BoyWhere stories live. Discover now