The Secret

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Nikki's Pov

I have been keeping this secret for years ! Randy told me this when John and I had one year together he told me and I've been carrying that secret around for 5 years I just hope John doesn't get mad !

John: What did she do !

Randy: Remember how Kelly had her bachelorette party in Italy 2 months before your wedding ?

John: Yeah ? Nikki and Brie where there that night too !

Nikki: We were but left early we had a 2 week break so we wanted to be in Arizona !

Randy: Well that night they all got really drunk and Kelly went home with a man that night ! She slept with this man and never told anyone she almost never told me !

John: What happened ?

Randy: She kept seeing him !

John: What ?

Randy: That morning they got to talking and she kept seeing him and well eventually before you wedding she stopped it but there's a reason why !

Kelly was in tears she couldn't stop crying !

Kelly: Stop that's enough that's all he needs to know ! Nicole tell him !

Nikki: Randy it's your choice to tell him the rest I promised I would never say anything and I never have !

John: Randy tell me I'm your best friend tell me !

Randy: She was sleeping with this man and with you all at the same time and she got pregnant !

John: You got pregnant ?

Randy: She didn't know if it was your baby or the other guys so she decided to get an abortion but since she didn't want people know she went to one of those clinics where they aren't legally licensed ! And a week later when you were gone she did it and the next day she woke up bleeding and with a fever ! She didn't know who to call so she called me ! I rushed her the hospital there they told her that they messed up something inside of her and she could never have kids again ! The abortion ruined her chances of ever being a mother again and knowing all the she still married you she made me promise not to say anything because it would only hurt you and I didn't want that I told Nikki and she could have used it at anytime to get back at her but she never did ! She never wanted I hurt you that way but I promised myself that if you ever went back to he that I would tell you and when you left Nikki at 8 months pregnant I was going to tell but...

Nikki: I didn't let him !

Johns was shocked he was just blocking out those last pasty he had just heard he couldn't believe what he was hearing Kelly was pregnant with what could have been his child and she still went on to marry him and never said anything !

John: How could you do this to me ? Why didn't you just tell me ! I could have been a father to that baby that's how much I loved you I would have been mad but I loved you so much that I would have forgiven you and raised that child like if it was my own which it might have been ! You never even gave the poor thing the change to be born ! You killed an innocent child my baby

Nikki: John please calm down I know his is hard to hear but.....,

John: I can't believe you knew how long ?

Nikki: I knew for 5 years Randy told me when I was afraid you were going to leave me for Barbra because one night you were sleeping you kept saying her name and I got scared and he told me that to calm me down ! He told me that if I ever needed it I could tell you but I've never wanted to hurt you ! Not like that never like that I mean I would much rather have the entire guys locker room punch you then tell you what you just heard !

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