John: Do what to you ?

Nikki: This you idiot !

She said throwing the papers at John ! And he pretends to look over them !

John: Nicole I swear I didn't.....

Nikki: Oh cut the crap John I just hope you're ready for the fight of your life because unlike Kelly I will fight not only for what should be mine but what should be my kids as well I'm taking all your money and the house will be mine I didn't have an extra wing added to it just so that you can bring your tramp into it !

John: But Nicole I

Nikki: Shut up John !! I already talked to Mr.McMahon ! And he told me he would help me so that every penny you make comes to me and my kids ! So you better hope that this fake as tramp can provide for you because you won't have anything left to your name when I'm done with you !

She said walking towards the door

John: Wait Nicole no

Nikki: Leave me alone John you've made your decision and I've made mine goodbye !!

She said and slammed the door shut !

John turned back to Kelly and she was just as shocked as John was !

John: Who the hell sent her this I don't even know this lawyer or this firm !

Kelly was getting scared !

Kelly: I don't know ! Maybe she sent them on her own !

John: No she wouldn't do that

Kelly: How do you know ?

John: Yesterday night she came here and we talked and she told me she loved me and she kissed me !

Kelly: She what ?

John: She kissed me and I was even thinking about getting back together with her but now she won't even listen to me !

Kelly: You were going to leave me ?

John: Honestly yes but now I don't think I want to seeing how Nicole gets I've never seen that side to her

Kelly: It's okay ! I don't think she will be able to take everything !

John: I think she will we don't have prenup and we have kids now ! And not only one but 3

Kelly: You didn't have her sign a prenup like you did with me ?

John: No I wanted things to go differently then the first time so my lawyer said I didn't ask for one after he advised me to !

Kelly: I can't believe you didn't when we had a huge argument over it with ours !

John: Sue me okay Kelly I was lost in love that I didn't ask for a damn prenup ! I just never thought my life would end up like this I hate whoever ran me over they ruined my life !

Kelly: John just please.......

John: No Kelly please just leave my room I want to be alone right now I have think and see how I can work this out !

Kelly: Okay I'll see you later !

She walks out and heads to her room

Kelly's Pov

What have I done she's going to leave him with nothing !! If anyone should get to do that it's me !! Ugh I guess maybe I could go talk to her ! Or maybe I should just tell them that I sent the papers as a joke ? She won't buy it she's stupid but not that stupid ! I feel so stupid let's just see what tomorrow brings !

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