Chapter 2

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"Oh, no. I swear... If we just discovered flying zombies... I'm gonna be pissed!"

She just ignored him.

"Shh... Clearly, they aren't flying."

Bobby finally released a loud breath, as if he had been holding it.

"Well, that's a relief!"

X smirked in the dark, as her pulse began to race from excitement. She knelt down to the ground on one knee. Closing her eyes to focus her other senses more. Slow, deep breaths. She knew she was ready, as she opened her eyes and everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.

"Because they are crawling on the walls."

Bobby stiffened as she jumped in the air, with a quick spin. Slicing something as she moved.

"Nope! Nope..."

He shook his head violently at the thought.

"I'm gonna pretend you did NOT just say that!"

Kicking him in the side as she came down, to get his attention.
"Pretend all you want! It's happening. Now get out Richie and Sambora, and get to slicing!"

Narrowed eyes, he took off toward the sound. Barely visible with moonlight.

"Don't make fun of the money makers."

As thick liquids splatter against the walls, you could hear X's laugh echo. She stopped in front of him.

"Money? What money!"

"You know. The money we save from having to go to a gym."

She rolled her eyes, as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ya. Cause there are so many gyms open to choose from."

"Exactly. You are the Ninja Aerobics instructor. I just follow your lead. So... Keep chopping Queen! Lead the way!"

Bobby took out Richie, and continued to slice in an upward arc. Just hoping he'd get more action than X, but that was very rare.

In fact... It never happened. Not yet.

He could feel liquids ooze down over him from above, as he sliced through the demon-like- no-longer- humans. Dripping on his face, a thick, phlegm substance slid down his cheek.

"Oh now that's just not right."

He made a disgusted face.

"Eck." He said, as he shook off the feeling.

"Bobby! You coming? I need help in here! There are more!"

Bobby wiped his face, made sure the creature was dead and...

"Wait, when did you move to the next room? And how did you know there was another room?"

"When you were doing that girly dance to get the goo off of you. AND I paid attention. Keep coming."

He rolled his eyes.

"That was not a girly dance. It was a manly shake."


As he kicked the part of the body nearest to him, he heard a sloshing should against his boot, and heard the sticky liquid now surrounded the toes of his boot.

On that note, he quickly made it to the next room.

X was right. There were atleast five or six of them. Although, this room had more light. So you could see the other eight that were dead. But that's only if you count that they were half bodies. So, four full bodies.

"Behind you!"

He yelled, as she started to turn, and ducked instead. Twisting her ankle as she went. Just as one of Bobby's machetes soared over her head and straight into the forehead of the corpse that was almost on her.

As the corpse flung to the wall, it slowly slid to the ground, as Bobby walked over to it, placing the heel of his boot against the corpse face, pushing, while he slid out his machete.


X screamed, as there was another corpse right behind him. Without thinking, and knowing he would turn toward her cries and be face to face with it, she flung her mini Katana through the air. Saying prayers as it soared. End over end. 

The corpse was holding out it's hands like it wanted to dance with Bobby, almost a funny thought if you weren't mid possibly-kill moment. It walked with such ease, and without sound. If she hadn't looked up at that exact moment, Bobby would be a corpse now, and she'd be alone. 

Just as she predicted, Bobby turned around and immediately his cocky smile faded as he was nose to nose with the corpse, and as quickly as it appeared, Bobby saw a knife slide into the side of it's head, going straight through to the brain, causing the corpse to fall over, and blood and ooze sprayed all over Bobby's face. 

"Ok, I think we need a code word for Look out! I'm flinging a sword in your general vicinity! It may hit you, if the corpse doesn't eat you first!."

"Don't we already have a code word?" X said. Curiously.

"No, X. Dear. That, is called a safe word, and I already know yours."

"Damn it, Bobby! Do you always have to be like that? "

"Like what? Turned on? "


"So wait a sec. Are you going to tell me that you don't get that rush?" Bobby said with his voice full of sinceritySlowly, he moved closer to her. Kneeling down, to be near her. Since she was on the ground still.  "That adrenaline that just shoots through your entire body and makes you feel like your heads going to explode?"

He leaned over her, and kissed her lightly on the lips. It's been years since anything had happened between them. His eyes were closed, and he had no idea if she would kiss him back or not. Instead of checking, he pressed his lips against hers with a little more pressure. Feeling her lips open as well. Until she felt the sting of her ankle. 

"OUCH!" X yelped, as she grabbed her ankle. Just as Bobby opened his mouth to say something, they heard a noise in the room. Bobby Immediately took his fighting stance in front of X, because she was in no shape to kick ass. 

When all of a sudden, they both saw a flash light. 

"Hello? Is there someone there?" Bobby said. 

"Wow, do you always call on the dead like that?  Doesn't seem too smart, and with a cripple at your feet? tsk tsk." A man came out of the shadows, and walked up to X. 

Bobby immediately moved to stand in front of him. 

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