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No other clue, no other memory appeared as I stepped back into the forest. It was like a timer, showing a limited amount of time for me to see a memory, to remember it. But I knew there was more to this forest than the scene I had seen. Knowing I would have to return another day, Rylan and I spent the day looking for clues inside.

"We've looked everywhere. We've already found as many clues as possible in this house; other clues must be elsewhere. Outside." Rylan grumbled, plopping down on the couch beside me. The necklace was dangling from my hands, spinning slowly around before turning the other way. I was so fixated on it that it took me a while to realize Rylan was speaking to me.

"Sorry... I know, but.. Nothing else is triggering whenever I speak into that forest. But something must be there, Rylan. Especially this necklace. We have to find the key to it." I leaned against him, placing the pendant in my palm.

"But where is the key, Ari? We looked everywhere!" Rylan threw his head back, staring up at the ceiling. "Maybe the key got destroyed.."

Silence drifted between us as I searched for an answer. The key could not have gotten destroyed because the necklace would have gone with it. If the key was not inside the house, where else could it be?  I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to think.

"The forest!" I exclaimed, jumping to my feet and startling Rylan as he drifted off. He leaned forward, rubbing his eyes. Of course, the forest was another clue to this game. Whoever had the key must have buried it in the forest. I dashed out of the house and back into the forest, the necklace pressed against my chest. Rylan soon followed with two shovels in his hands.

The key could be buried anywhere around here. There's no point in making a mess by digging around this place; it's too beautiful. Biting down on my bottom lip, I stuffed the necklace into my pocket, grabbing hold of a shovel. Instead of digging, I first walked around the field again, hoping for some connection—a memory. I stepped over the burial of Maple, walking toward the tree. This tree was a symbol of my childhood, along with this forest. It caused a memory to form in my head, so no doubt it would happen again.

"Let's start digging around this tree," I instructed. Without further complaint, we started digging up holes. It took us not long to dig until I saw an object shining. The object was small but not something to miss by eye. I dropped the shovel, stopping Rylan from digging as I kneeled, scooping up the object.

Holding it up for Rylan and me to see, the key lay nicely in the palm of my hand. Small but not too small. It was perfectly fitted for the necklace clasped around my neck. Rylan picked up the shovels, walking back inside as I pulled the object out from underneath my shirt. I could feel my heart beating against my chest. I was getting closer and closer to the truth, yet it seemed I was still far away from it, but if I could open this necklace. If I could find out what's inside, then it can help me—no doubt about it.

Just as I was putting the key into the hole of the necklace, Rylan burst out of the house and toward me, bumping into me as he halted. I stumbled forward, holding my hand for balance in case I fell.

"We got to go! Now!" Rylan grabbed a hold of my hand tightly, tugging me forward. I stumbled again but yanked my hand back.

"What is the rush!? I was so close to unlocking the necklace."

"You'll have to do that another time. But the police are here." Rylan bounced on his feet, glancing behind him. My eyes widened as I looked behind him as well.

"How? Why? Who?" Now, I was panicking.

"Maple's parents called. They.." Rylan trailed off.

"Think we killed their daughter.." I mumbled, my shoulders slumping. Rylan nodded. 'But we didn't! Fay-"

"Do you think they would believe that, though?" Rylan asked, running his fingers through his hair roughly. "They do not even know who Fay is! They do not know anything, but the fact that their daughter is dead, and the only solution to it is us."

I opened my mouth to object, but the pounding of feet stopped me. I did not run nor struggle as the police grabbed a hold of us. I did not scream or kick as they shoved us into the car and drove off to the police station. I stared out of the window, unfocused. I was so close... yet so so far.

"You'll be staying here while I call your parents." One of the police officers said as he locked us up and walked away. I leaned against the wall, slowly sliding down it until my butt hit the ground. It took Rylan a second to detach himself from the bars before joining me on the floor. I pulled my knees up to my chest, wrapping my arms around them.

"What are we going to do?" Rylan asked, covering his face. His voice now mumbled. "They can't call your parents because they're in trouble, but we can't tell them that. They certainly can not call my parents, or I'm in big trouble.''

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. He was right. If the police called my parents, they would not answer solely because they were in trouble. But calling Rylan's parents would ruin any chance to save my parents and me. All the hard work we were doing and starting would sink to the ground, never rising back up, and there was no way I would let this stop me from revealing my past.

I stood up, taking a deep breath. I needed a plan, and I needed one quick. Rylan stayed on the ground, his face still covered by his face as I walked over to the bars, glancing at one of the bodyguards on the side. He looked almost like a statue until his green eyes locked on me for a quick second. His gaze was unsettling, cold, and demeaning, but I tried to ignore all of that.

Settling myself beside Rylan, I wrapped myself around his arm, laying my head against his shoulder. "You think they're going to let us go? Realize it was not even us? I mean, yes, she was in the house with us, but there's no way any evidence tracks to us. Right?"

"I don't know.  Unless she somehow got your fingerprint and placed it on the body. I mean, even that would not make sense, though. Or... I don't know. This is making my head hurt, man." Rylan sighed, leaning his head back against the wall. This wasn't how I wanted things to go. I did not wish to get anyone involved. I squeezed Rylan's arm as my heartbeat quickened in my chest. My parents are in danger, and I'm in jail, for god sake. I squeezed my eyes shut.

I want to go home!

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