I sighed, leaning back in the seat as I stared into space.

I cannot believe that this is happening right now. This has to be a dream or something. Kidnapping is typical and shit but this? This does not seem normal. I have a bad feeling about this. I sat there, thinking as I ran my fingers through my hair. Turning on the radio to fill the car's silence, I crossed my arms, allowing myself to relax. I slowly drifted off to sleep if it wasn't for a voice interrupting.

"Do you think running is going to help you? Wherever you go, I can and will find you. You want to run so badly, go back to your old house. Everything you need to start with will be there." There was that voice again. The voice on the phone, but now she's in my head. It was dark, with no light guiding me in my dream.

Dream... This was all a dream. The voice laughed at me. It was one of those ' you're kidding me, right?' laughs.

'Oh, Arianna... this is not a dream. I can get into your head and see exactly where you are going. We're connected, my dear. Soon, I'll be able to take over your life." The voice cackled. Suddenly, everything started shaking as I saw an image of a girl my age. I could not see many details of her other than her long black hair and bright blue eyes staring back at me.

"I'm coming for you. You wait."

"No!" I shot up, gasping for breath. The sound of the radio had now been turned down, but the pounding in my head would not stop. Rylan grabbed hold of my arms, facing me to him. A confused yet worried expression took over his face as he examined me.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Rylan asked, rubbing my arms. I looked at him, seriousness etched into my voice.

"We need to get out of here... now."


"Are we there yet?" I asked for the millionth time. Rylan glanced over at me, and if it was not for the fact that he was driving, he probably would have reached over and choked me.

"Go to sleep..." Was his response. I shifted my body toward him, leaning over a bit.

"I already slept probably ten times this whole ride," I complained, giving him a pout. Rylan looked over at me, pushing my head away.

"Then play on your phone or something. I only slept like, what? Two times whenever we stopped for a bathroom or to rest...?"

I sighed, nodding my head. He had a point, though I always suggested that we could take turns driving, but he wanted to go. I leaned back in my chair, took my phone off the charger, and started scrolling through social media, though my mind kept drifting off to that voice. That girl... She must have my parents somewhere, and she must be close.

What is she waiting for? Why does she want to take over my life? I don't even know what she's capable of doing.

My phone started going off, the vibrating waking me from my daze. Glancing down, there was an unknown number flashing on the screen. I hesitated before finally answering the call, pressing the phone against my ear as I glanced over at Rylan, who was focused on the road.

"Hello?" I looked out the window, but I could feel Rylan looking at me. Luckily, we stopped at a gas station for a break. Opening the door, I jumped out of the car, letting the wind blow against my face.

"Hello?" I said a bit louder. Did the person not hear me or something? I pulled the phone away from my ear, but the caller was still flashing on the screen. Putting the phone back against my ear, I waited for a response.

"How long have you been running, Arianna?" The girl asked. I sucked in a breath, scanning my surroundings as if maybe she might be nearby. Ready to pounce.

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