Chapter 3

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The Next Day. Josie POV
I woke up next to Lizzie as I do every morning. I look around the room remembering what happened last night. Jade. She was starting school today!
"What are you smiling about?" Lizzie startled me.
"Umm N-Nothing."
"You sure? OH is it about Jade?"
"What? Why would it be about Jade?"
"Well just that she was in our room last night and you two kissed."
I stood up and got dressed, ignoring lizzies antics.

Jade POV
I woke up excited as ever. I started school today. I now get to spend almost every day with Josie Saltzman. We kissed...she asked me to be her girlfriend. I started getting ready for my first day of school.
"Deep breaths." I heard Wendy say behind me.
"Shut up, Wendy." 
I walked into school and saw Josie talking with some other girl.
"Hey Jos" I said walking up behind her.
"I should go." The girls who name I did not know said as she walked away quickly.
"Hey Jade." She said giving me a quick peck on the lips. She grabbed my hand.
"Josie. Who was that?"

Authors note: who do you think it is? Guess in the comments. Answer will be in the next update. (Sorry for taking so long)

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