Oben let out a breath. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be, just- does it ever get easier? I think about her everyday, every single day, does it ever get better?"

"You know there's this lyric from my favorite song, it goes like 'are we getting better or getting better at pretending?' and I guess that's the real question right? Does anyone actually get better Sang or do they just get better at hiding it?"

"The left, the left, the left!" Delario practically screamed into the headset.

"Got it!" Ki exclaimed as the loud sound of the boss dying rang through their sets.

Newt let out a breath of pure relief. "Finally guys."

"Only took us ten tries," Oben huffed out.

"I've had to shit for the past twenty minutes," Ki admitted which for some reason made everyone laugh.

"Go to the bathroom you stupid fool," Delario bit back. It was almost possible to hear her eye roll. Why she liked him was beyond Newt.

"Be back my fair ladies," Ki said before his headset mic clicked off.

"So you find anything in your sister's journal about this?" Del asked as they took a few minutes to heal their characters and adjust their armor.

"Not particularly, she did say there was a long in game portion."

"Hey did she ever say how she got the pack?" Oben asked. He was chewing loudly on something, probably chips.

"Yeah, she said it appeared in her inventory one day."

"She did it without you?" Del asked.

"Yeah," Newt said. "She said it was a single player mission at first and she didn't want me to feel left out."

"She loved you so much Sang." Oben spoke up.

Newt felt his voice crack "I-I know."

"I think we're on the right track," Del said as she yawned a bit. "It seems like we'r-"

"Alright gals and gays I'm back, what did I miss?" Ki said annoyingly into the mic.

"Shit guys he's back stop talking shit!" Del sounded convincingly panicked.

Newt snorted out a laugh as Ki loudly gasped.
"I'll kill you woman!"

"You two give me a headache," Oben huffed out which made Newt laugh again.

"Wait hold up, serious time, I got another quest, lemme share it with you," Ki said as he loudly typed on his keyboard.

A little notification dinged on Newt's mail box so he clicked on it. He scrunched up his nose as he read it.

"This is weird," Oben said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah what the fuck?"

Newt squinted as he looked at it more. On the outside it seemed like a normal follow up quest in the pack, but upon further inspection, it looked like an instruction set and at the bottom was the next number in the code.

"Well this is definitely it," Newt said. "The code is down here, this is the next thing."

"It seems...I don't know."

It was an in game portion but it took them off the map, off the charted worlds. It's almost like the place was made up but the coordinates looked legit and Jorge's seal was on the bottom again.

"You guys down to check it out tonight?" Newt asked as he wrapped his blanket tighter around him.

"I'm good, it's only 10," Del said.

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