Bram Stoker

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Special thanks to Dayno008 for recommending Bram Stoker!

Abraham "Bram" Stoker was an Irish author who lived from 1847 to 1912. During his lifetime, he was best known for being a personal assistant and the business manager of the Lyceum Theatre. Today, most recognize him for his 1897 gothic horror novel, Dracula.

Although Dracula wasn't the first published story about vampires, Stoker's work had a profound and lasting impact on the mythos and lore of the ghastly creatures we think of today when we hear the word "vampire". His novel inspired numerous stage adaptations, films, and television shows.

For all of its fame and success, however, Dracula was never hugely profitable while he was alive, despite receiving high praise in reviews. The iconic novel didn't reach it's broad and legendary status until the twentieth century when movie versions appeared. This brings us to our first discussion question.

This week's questions:

We've all heard, or at some point claimed, 'the book was better', but do you feel like film adaptations are an important means for popularising the novel they're based on? 

What's your favorite horror and/or vampire book or film?

We also welcome any other discussion or comments about Bram Stoker or his works.

If you have another author you'd like to see a discussion on, please leave it in the comments below for a chance to be featured in a future chapter!

Have fun!


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