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"hello! have you come to enter in heavens arena?"

a cheery voice brought her out of her daydream, looking up to meet the eyes of the clerk with rather bright teal hair.

"hm? oh yea, sorry," she replied, laughing softly. the clerk smiled and began typing something, "alright! you will be number 3072, y/n."

she smiled back and nodded, murmuring a thanks as she headed inside. messing with the chain straps of her black top she glanced around to the rest of the participants. none looked her way, thankfully.

//time skip lol//

"number 3072 and 3083!" the announcers voice rang as she stepped down and eventually made her way to the platform. standing in front of her was a willowy looking man, with a weird look on his face.

"mannn, did i have to get stuck with a lil' girl?" he exclaims rudely. y/n smiles, "mhm!" she hums while shifting her weight to her left leg, letting the toe of her right platformed boot rest on the ground. the man groans in response.

"and, begin!" the announcer states. y/n stays still, inspecting her nails (as all protagonists do). the man shrugs to himself before rushing at her, attempting to swing at her face. right before contact she grips his fist, smiling softly and closing her eyes before digging her nails into his neck deep enough to make a open wound. the man yelps, trying to both get rid of the hand on his own and his neck. she opens her eyes slightly, still narrowed, before throwing him to the side, his head making a hollow sounding thunk as he hits the ground. the announcer walks over to him after a second and relays his unconscious status to the girl.

"well, with what you've demonstrated it seems you can go straight to floor fifty!" she looks up at him slightly surprised and nods, murmuring a thanks once again.

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