An eerie silence filled the room, as though a loud conversation had been taking place until there was a burst of flames and a fourteen year old witch appeared in the fireplace. Sure enough, sat around the kitchen table were a large gaggle of redheads, and a single black-haired wizard, all staring at the mantle.

"Katie!" Mrs Weasley cried suddenly. She hobbled over to the Slytherin and embraced her warmly.

"Mrs Weasley!" Katie beamed. "Its so good to see you. Thank you for having me."

Mrs Weasley was smiling so broadly that her face had gone red and her eyes were almost shut. She put her hands gently on Katie's cheeks.

"You're welcome any time, dear. Isn't that right, Ron?"

Ron, who had resumed eating his eggs, almost choked when he was suddenly addressed. Taken off guard, he nodded quickly and gulped down his food.

"Nice to see you, Katie." he smiled.

A burst of green flames behind her made Katie yelp in fright. She blushed furiously when she realised that it was only her brother, Flooing to the Burrow.

Fred and George bound to their feet and yelled excitedly. "Christian!"

Before Fred and George could reach their friend, however, the flames erupted again, and a blonde emerged from the fire. Mrs Weasley almost doubled over in shock.

"Merlin's Beard!" Fred exclaimed, making a horrible attempt at an Irish accent.

"Its a wee leprechaun!" George chimed in.

"Niall! I didn't know you were coming!" Mrs Weasley said.

"My mam bought me a ticket, but she didn't feel like coming across to England. I thought id'd be alright if I went with you?"

"Of course, dear!"

Fred, George, Chris and Niall got to work on performing their dorky handshake and Katie turned around to see a green-eyed wizard walking towards her. He was smiling brightly. Katie hugged him.

"I didn't know you were coming." Katie said.

"Surprise?" Harry replied, scratching the back of his neck. Katie giggled. "I thought Ron would've told you."

"Bit hard when he isn't responding to my letters." Katie spoke loudly so that Ron could hear. The red-haired boy turned a deep shade of red.

"I-I just thought that it could wait, you know. I mean, I didn't really have anything important to say." Ron stuttered.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Nice to know I matter, Ron."

Harry's eyes landed on the scar on Katie's cheek and his face dropped sadly. Luckily for Katie, despite the fact that the wound had been very big when it was fresh, the scar was rather thin and small. It ran from just beside her nose to the centre of her cheek, and wasn't very noticeable from far away.

Harry gently grazed his fingers across the scar. "How is it?"

"Its just a scar," Katie shrugged. "I deal with it."

Katie and Harry took a seat at the table. Molly conjured up an extra chair for Niall, as they didn't know he would be joining them.

"Have some breakfast, dears," Mrs Weasley said to Katie, Chris and Niall. "You must be hungry."

"Oh, no thank you, Mrs Weasley. We ate back at home." Chris politely declined.

Niall snickered. "Besides, after travelling with that Floo Powder, Chris could be sick at any moment."

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