Chapter 2: Destiny

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Uraraka pov
I got the noble family into village, everyone in village got surprise and rush toward us and asking

"Ohhh dear what happened to you and why this family got hurt "

head of noble family reply "We were attacking by some kind demon"

and continue "My man got kill some of them run without us and this fellas help us and got to this village".

"Ohhh dear"

some villagers response and continue  "So uraraka where is izuku and lida?"

I then shock and say "Ohhh God they still fight the demon!?"

And continue "I'm going to help them to fight that thing"

and then someone interrupt by saying "No, Only izuku right now is fighting that thing"

Everyone look for where the voice came from and find that it's was lida with his state that not really good, I rush toward lida and grab his arm by the time he want to fall down to the ground

I used my last mana to heal lida. After i heal him he wake up and I asking him a question "Where the deku and demon go?"

  He replied "I remember he went towards west from here"

then i quickly stand up suddenly lida grab my arm and say " Let me go with you" without second doubt we rush toward west

Lida pov
5 minutes before arrive at village
"Damn my chest is hurt like hell" my energy became low cause of damage i receive from that ugly monster.

Suddenly deku make a hard turn opposite and make the demon follow her

I try to screem but i had zero energy to do that. And i start to think i should go to village first for calling help because if i go help deku right now I will be a dead meat

I used all my energy to run as fast as i can. I arrive at village and glad that to see that uraraka and that family noble did make it i hear that they talking about where about me and deku i then quickly saying "No,only izuku fight with that thing

No one pov
Uraraka and lida rush toward the direction that taken by deku and start see they are blood all over the place they started to get worried about safety they friend deku is now.

  They rush toward it

From a far they see a gaint corpse,they had a big shock look at they face and see that they friend deku is fine. They started to try wake up deku

Izuku pov
After i heard the voice i came back to reality and see my both friend crying Uraraka talk in shock "Deku Deku! Ohh i so glad you are ok " and start to hug me.

I try to look at my best friend lida and start to scold me

"WHY IN THE HELL YOU GO LIKE THAT!?" By the time i heard he screaming i see a water down his face and continue scold me "WHAT IF YOU DIE DEKU, WHAT IF YOU GET KILL,WhY YOu MaKe US WorriEd" he voice begin to crack a bit

I smile to them and say

"looked guys I'm fine,you guys no need to worry about"😁😁.

Uraraka then punch me at shoulder i response " Ouch that hurt uraraka!"

Then she say "like hell you are ok!" She continues " We were worry sick about you and you laugh like nothing happens!"

I try to change topic and i see the demon is already die on ground "did you guys kill that demon!?".

The way they looked weird at me and reply "No.... By the time we get here we already see that thing already die on ground"

and continue "aren't you the one that kill that thing" i reply "No... I was about to diee and ouhhh..." I stop in shock.

They both asking "What? What happen?"

And i reply " i was dreaming that i heard a voice in my dream that say i was a bless child from heaven and ouhhh...!!"

Curiousity caught uraraka and lida " And What?"

I replies "And the Demon lord is now in proses on reviving and We should kill it to save the world!"

They both at shock and said "Are you out of mind!!? You were almost get killed by that thing and Lida had a big injury after got attack once, like hell I'm going to believe you"

I replied "B-but" uraraka the say " No but, we going to go to back to village and rest" she continue "

I think you should rest for now maybe you a little tired after got chased by that thing's"😁😁 she smile

On the way we back to the village i think "maybe uraraka is right....."

"Because yeah why in hell i was a bless child from heaven anyway". My life already in hell after father left us

After we arrive at village all the villagers run toward us with worried face and happy that i wasn't had a big injury.

The noble family also give a thanks that we save them from that ugly demon and swear to help the village as a thanks gift to looked for them. We give them hospitality for a day.

That night i give a big thought about what the voice talking about. I begin to let out big sigh 😔😔

"Aghhhh that many to take in!!" I just lay down on bed and sleep. To save that thought for tomorrow..

933 words

Wow that so many 😲😲 please give a good comments and if i do wrong please said it with manners 😅😂

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