
Dusk had fallen at this point, and the cats chosen to go to the Gathering were gathering at the camp entrance. Darkfern padded up to Elmpaw, tail twitching anxiously, "has Nimblebird showed up yet? He never returned to camp."

Elmpaw blinked, "I haven't seen him since midday. I thought he'd snuck past me on his way into the camp."

Sootjaw heard the two talking, and headed over, "the last patrol that went out noticed that a pile of watermint leaves had been left near a patch of the herb. They figured that he would be coming back for it." His golden-brown eyes grew concerned, "I'll send out a search party tomorrow morning. It'll be best to search when it's light out."

Darkfern paced, "I'm going to go look while you are at the Gathering. I don't like the feeling of this situation."

Sootjaw flicked his tail, "then take at least one other cat with you. That way, if something happens to you, we'll know." Darkfern nodded, and padded swiftly away to find someone willing to look for a missing Clanmate in the dark.

Elmpaw shook out her pelt, then followed her Clanmates out of the camp. They reached the island about the same time as ThunderClan. Reedstar waved her tail at Distantstar, letting them go across the fallen tree first. When it was their turn, Elmpaw hopped up, her claws digging into the wood to avoid falling off into the water. The smell of all the Clans hit her as she nosed her way through the grass to the massive clearing. The tree where the leaders sat loomed over all them, its branches reaching for long lengths. Mottledstar was already sitting up there, watching the cats below with a mild expression.

Distantstar climbed up, sitting on a branch above the WindClan leader. Her chilly stare swept across those gathered. Elmpaw shivered. She didn't like Distantstar. The ThunderClan leader made her want to sink into the ground at times. She shook away those thoughts, and went to find Mosspaw. He was much preferable to his mother.

She weaved around other cats, locating the mottled brown tom with a few other apprentices. Elmpaw waved at him with her tail, "Hey, Mosspaw!"

"Elmpaw! I didn't see you at the last Gathering," He trotted over, greeting her warmly. His amber eyes held hints of concern. The tom glanced around, then asked her a question, "has Driftpaw gone by your Clan? I haven't seen him in several days. Dewcloud claims a badger took him, but quite frankly, I don't believe her."

"Sorry, but I haven't," Elmpaw wrinkled her nose in confusion, "why would he have gone by ShadowClan?"

His brother, Badgerpaw, glanced over from where he was sitting with his mentor, Sparrowcall, "Sparrowcall thinks that Dewcloud drove him off out of spite."

The large she-cat's muzzle twitched, "doing that kind of thing isn't beneath her." She muttered lowly, "and if she did do that, which is highly likely, I am going to shred her for causing Cricketchirp more grief."

A snort from behind her made Elmpaw jump, "Dewcloud wouldn't do that. That's your rivalry with your sister talking." Hawkglare, a WindClan warrior, stared at the brown tabby. The dark-gold she-cat sat down, her paler gold hindquarters tucked beneath her, "please try not to corrupt my granddaughter."

Sparrowcall flashed a canine at Hawkglare rudely, "if I were trying to corrupt her, I'd do it more subtly."

Elmpaw shifted her paws nervously as she glanced at her grandmother, then slid over to sit closer to Sparrowcall. She felt safer near the large brown tabby, despite her cold and cranky actions. Mosspaw narrowed his at the WindClan she-cat, and then went to sit between her and Elmpaw. Another heavier set of pawsteps announced the arrival of Otterdawn, Elmpaw's grandfather. The pale gray tom sat down between the apprentices and his former mate, tail twitching. Before Hawkglare could talk to Otterdawn, a yowl heralded the start of the Gathering.

Shellstar coiled his light gray tail around his paws, looking down at the Clan cats. Reedstar nodded to him, allowing him to start. The RiverClan leader took a step forward, voice carrying over the clearing, "Prey is running well, and we have a new warrior among us tonight. Hailspirit has passed her warrior assessment, and is now recognized as a warrior." The she-cat mentioned ducked her head in embarrassment, but her green gaze was bright.

Cheers rang out from the RiverClan cats, a few from the other Clans. The light gray and spotted tom stepped back and sat down once more. Distantstar strode forward next, "ThunderClan has new apprentices, Willowpaw and Burrowpaw." Her pale amber gaze slid across the gathered cats once more as cheers rang out for the new apprentices, "we have plenty of prey, and we are as strong as ever." She sat back, her silvery tail curling tightly around her paws. Sparrowcall's rich green gaze grew prideful for a moment at the mention of her kin, then returned to its normal chilliness. The dark-gold she-cat noticed worriedly that Distantstar hadn't mentioned Driftpaw supposedly being killed by a badger.

Reedstar didn't bother standing for her news, "ShadowClan also has a new warrior. Chippedsong has also passed his warrior assessment, and is now a full warrior. Our hunting is going well, and we have enough prey for everyone." ShadowClan's members called out Chippedsong's name, and the new warrior's gaze was proud. He had gotten some scorn when first joining ShadowClan, and he had passed his assessment without a single problem.

Finally, Mottledstar stepped forward, "we to have a new warrior, Duskivy." Once the cheering had died down, he spoke again, "as of now, our medicine cat Baycrest has been missing for a quarter moon. Most of you have probably noticed that he isn't here tonight." Silence fell. Elmpaw felt dread curling in her gut. ShadowClan wasn't the only Clan with a missing medicine cat. "We have sent out search parties, but none have had any luck." The WindClan leader's voice was quiet.

The ThunderClan leader tilted her head, "Surely that isn't such a problem? You still have a nearly-fully-trained medicine apprentice." From down below, Frostpaw bristled, hissing at Distantstar.

Mottledstar glared up at her, "when one of my Clanmates is missing, I actually care. Especially when said Clanmate missing is the Clan medicine cat. You seem to have lost track of your heart." His voice was challenging.

Elmpaw glanced over at her grandmother, tail twitching. Confusion prickled in her gaze when she saw Hawkglare's expression. She didn't seem concerned at all that her Clanmate was missing. Distantstar twisted around to stare down at Mottledstar, "I care about the strength of my Clan. One cat being missing doesn't change that."

From where the ShadowClan apprentice was sitting, she could see Vixennose, the ThunderClan medicine cat, start to open his mouth to speak. A glare from Distantstar, and he snapped his mouth shut and stared at his paws. What's that about? Elmpaw wondered.

Tigerdust stood and snarled at the ThunderClan leader, her russet pelt on end, "That is my brother that is missing, you fox-heart!"

Foxthistle raised her voice, "Let's settle this argument elsewhere! StarClan will not be pleased if this breaks out into a full-out physical fight!" Her challenging gaze swept towards the pale brown she-cat, "or have you forgotten about the full-moon truce, Distantstar?" Tigerdust fell silent, but still glared at Distantstar.

Distantstar narrowed her gaze at the RiverClan medicine cat, as if offended that someone she considered lower than her would speak out. She then snorted, curling her lip, "I consider this Gathering over." The pale brown she-cat jumped down and stalked out of the clearing.

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