Chapter 3

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Josh's POV
I wake up to my alarm going off and an arm around my waist. As I open my eyes I see a half awake Kai staring right back. He smirks at me and kisses my cheek before getting out of bed and stretching my face heats up slightly as I mumble curses under my breath before also getting out of bed. Kai then says in a grumpy voice
"dude why do you have an alarm we don't have school today"
I nod
we then hear Jessie shout
"Kids get up time for breakfast"
I then smirk
"Does that answer your question"
he nods slowly and I shrug
"its the only part of the day that works like clockwork"
I then run my hand through my hair before I ask
"you wanna get changed first or shall I?"
He shrugs
"I'll get changed first but can I borrow some of your clothes?"
I nod
"sure go and pick something out and grab me something whilst your there"
he then laughs
"and you say I'm lazy"
I then smirk
"that's cause you are"
he glares at me before going over to my wardrobe and picking something out. But before he can pick something out we hear Jessie scream
We both look at each other before running out of my room into the corridor to see Mr Kipling scurrying out of Jessie's room as I ask
"Jessie are you ok?"
She nods slowly
"Ye I'm good except the 7 foot lizard in my bed!"
Her voice raising in volume towards the end of her sentence.

Ravi then comes out of his room apologising on Mr Kipling's behalf as Kai laughs
"Your family's way more fun then mine"
I sigh and run a hand through my hair before going back into my room and getting changed. After breakfast Kai said he had to leave and went home so I make my way back upstairs to see Emma in Ravi's doorway
"I have a huge problem I love my photography class!"
I shrug
"Ye I'll leave this to Jessie"
I make my way into my room and take out my history homework. My teacher decided to make us write a 3 page essay and my art teacher wants us to draw a portrait of a famous celebrity. Luckily for me I'm a decent drawer but writing essays is my weakness so I decide to start with that.


Two hours later and I've finally finished my essay so I decide to go downstairs for a snack but when I get to the kitchen I hear Bertram thinking out loud
"Do I put frogs in the refrigerator or the pantry?"
I smile
"I have no idea but I can help with the rest of the shopping"
Bertram shows me one of his rare smiles
"thanks for the help Josh"
the door then buzzes as Bertram shouts
"Get the door"
I continue unloading the shopping as Zuri answers the door and I over hear the conversation.
"Hello little girl. May we come in?"
Zuri replies with a simple
"No and Jessie says I'm not supposed to talk to strangers"
I then decide to make myself known
"Hey Zuri who's at the door?"
I walk up the the door and see Mrs. chesterfield with two men from animal control so I lean on the doorframe with my arms crossed
"What can I do for you?"
She puts on a fake smile
"I'm Mrs Chesterfield from downstairs"
I shrug
"That's not what I asked"
her smile drops and the two men behind her nod in agreement I then turn to the two gentlemen behind her
"do you have permission or a warrant to search the apartment cause if not then I'm gonna have to ask you gentlemen to leave"
Zuri then goes to close the door but Mrs chesterfield pushes it open and they burst into the apartment and make there way straight to Ravi's room when we all get there I say calmly
"Y'know this is breaking and entering."
I'm ignored as Mrs chesterfield tuts
"if there's no giant lizard then how do you explain this?"
She points to Mr Kipling cage and I step forwards
"I have to ask Mrs Chesterfield why are you so concerned about what we have as pets in our apartment we don't complain about Zeus when he barks all the time not to mention one of us could be allergic to dogs and you've brought him right into our apartment uninvited might I add"
she ignores me again as Zuri starts climbing around Mr Kipling's cage.

After what feels like hours we finally get them to leave but as I go upstairs to do my art homework I see Ravi and Jessie run into the apartment and onto the balcony so I follow and over hear Luke
"He's not lost he's down there"
we all look down onto Mrs Chesterfield's balcony to see mr Kipling crawling towards Zeus
'Uh oh'
I look over the balcony again as a hawk dives towards Zeus and Emma shouts at Luke to grab the camera. The hawk is then hit by mr Kipling who defends Zeus and Mrs chesterfield runs and picks up Zeus
'I feel sorry for that dog it has to kiss her'
Mrs Chesterfield and Jessie exchange words and she finally allows me Kipling to stay.
'It's about time I swear that woman is gonna kill us all'
It's not the best chapter ever and it's quite short so sorry guys 😭 bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2020 ⏰

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