A New Friend

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     Fumiko stared out the window of the taxi as it took her to Cherryton High School. The first public school she would ever attend. Gouhin was hesitant at first about letting her go. Unlike her brothers, she never had any animal contact other than them, animals from the black market, and Gouhin; so for the young cat to suddenly force herself to be around normal animals her own age was like throwing her into the deep end right after she found out what swimming was. However, due to the insistence of her brothers, the panda relented and filled out the forms. One departing party later, she was off on her own.

     "This is where I drop you off, Miss." The taxi driver told her, looking at her through the rearview mirror. Fumiko snapped out of her daze with a blink and nodded. She opened the door and stepped out, pulling her suitcase and backpack with her. She turned around and leaned into the car once more, saying thanks to the driver and paying him before shutting the door. The taxi drove off as she stared at the entrance archway.

     Taking in a deep breath, Fumiko started to walk into campus. Huge trees guided her along the dirt pathway, the golden hours of the late afternoon giving the atmosphere a sense of serenity. The white cat continued onwards until she reached the office door. The front desk was occupied by an older mandrill typing away on a computer. Fumiko walked up and cleared her throat. The mandrill looked up at her with a stern gaze.

     "You must be the new student," she pulled out a manilla envelope and handed it to her, "In here you'll find everything you'll need from your student ID, room keys, schedule, and map of the school. Luckily for you, it's dinner time. Please leave your bags here to be taken to your room and have some food." She finished her spiel and turnt back to the computer, not letting Fumiko talk. Taking the silent dismissal, she dropped her bags on the wooden bench and left as quickly as she arrived.

     Fumiko opened the envelope and pulled out the map. Fortunately, the cafeteria was in the building next to her. The cat flicked her tail in accomplishment and started off her journey to get her first meal at a public school.

     As she walked on the side of the building, she noticed a dwarf rabbit eating by herself. Fumiko took a mental note to sit next to her after she got her food. A harlequin rabbit, a raccoon, and a black cat started to approach the lonely girl. The vibe they gave off put Fumiko off her mission, instead she knelt down and pretended to tie her shoe to listen in on their conversation.

     "Wow I'm impressed. The whole school is ignoring you and yet you sit here still so strong, Haru. A little risky wouldn't you say? For a bunny rabbit like you to sit alone after that student was devoured like your lunch." The harlequin taunted, venom dripping in her voice. Fumiko's ear twitched at the information. A devouring at the school happening at the school around the same time she arrived. Ironic. Shuffling clothes told her that the rabbit or "Haru" stood up.

     "Rather than spread rumors about me, maybe you should concentrate on getting back together with your boyfriend." Haru countered. Fumiko snickered under her breath at the witty comeback. The harlequin's mood changed from smug to angry.

     "Who do you think you are?! None of that is-"

     "Actually, he's the one who kissed me. Besides, a guy who gets excited over one little kiss, kinda tells you something doesn't it?" In the midst of Haru's interruption, Fumiko stood up and was now full on staring at the interaction with amusement. Bunny got fire, that's for sure. She tried to walk past them, but the harlequin elbowed her off the raised platform and onto the dirt grown, her dinner spilling over.

     Fumiko didn't know why she did it or what she was thinking. Maybe she wasn't thinking at all, but as soon as she spotted the bucket she was in front of the dwarf rabbit in an instant. She felt the shock of the cold water along her back. Fumiko hated water no matter how many times she was forced to be in. It made her fur clump together and her pink skin more vulnerable.

     Haru looked up at her in shock, gasping lightly. Fumiko slowly turned around and glared at the trio of bullies. They looked at her in fear.

     "How about you waste your energy on your so called 'boyfriend'. Don't blame her for him cheating because the last time I check, no one has the ability of mind control, and besides, was he really yours if he would be with another so easily?" Fumiko spat at her. She was close to bearing her fangs, but she managed to hold herself back an opted to make her glare even colder, her eyes going into thinner slits. Despite her obvious frightened state, the harlequin spoke down to her.

     "My boyfriend and I are both harlequin rabbits which makes us an endangered species couple, and that common dwarf rabbit tried to break up a couple with obvious pedigree."

     "That should make your boyfriend's betrayal even worse. Instead of wasting your time slut shaming her, you should slut shame him. After all, he was the one who made the first move. Not her. Now leave before all of you get something much worse than water thrown on you." The threat managed to make the trio leave, but not before the rabbit swear that she would start spreading rumors about her too. Fumiko continued to stare them down until they were out of her sight and turnt back to the dwarf rabbit.

     Haru was already picking herself up and dusting off her uniform.

     "Thank you, but I could've handled it myself."

     "I know, but I've had my fair share of slut shaming." Fumiko replied. She remembered the not-so-subtle comments about her being the only girl in a group of boys. More than once, her captures tried to get her to breed with another cat because they were convinced she was ready, but her brothers would either claw the adults or the young cat himself. That's when the rumors started. Rumors of how she was laying with all of them and that's why they didn't allow her to be touched in any way.

     Haru looked over her savior. She noticed that the feline pure white, her big blue eyes now relaxed into their natural oval shape. She noticed how her tail flicked back and forth curiously as they both looked each other over. If Haru didn't just witness her confronting Mizuchi, she would've assumed that the housecat was helpless just like how people assumed she was.

     "I haven't seen you around before. Are you new?" Haru asked.

     "Yeah. I just arrived not even half an hour ago. You're the first student I've actually met, well, one that didn't threaten." Fumiko replied with a shy shrug and smile.

     "Well, I'm sorry we had to meet this way. I'm also sorry that you got all wet because of me."

     "Oh this," Fumiko turned to show her her wet uniform, "this is nothing. At least I got to make a new friend." She gave Haru a charming closed eyed smile, which caused the dwarf rabbit to blush. A friend? Who knows how long someone considered her a friend. Well maybe except Louis, but that's more of a friends with benefits thing.

     "Do you know where the bathrooms are? I can dry off in there." The white cat interrupted her train of thought. Haru nodded and motioned her to follow.

     "What's your name by the way? I think I should know the heroic cat that saved me from water?" They both chuckled.

     "I'm Fumiko, second year. Nice to meet you, Haru."

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