Sympothy for Satan

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It the tormentor tormented?
Did "do as thou wilt" philosophy cause his demise and does Satan have the choice to not be Satan? Could he be like lucifer? (satan and lucifer are not the same people but I'm not going to debate isaiah 42 right now)

Is the heart of satanisim selfishness and does it permanently imprison you?
( and on a sidenote is selfishness on the opposite end of the spectrum with regards to self-hate, or does self-hate drive someone to be selfish because of their inadequacies or their deficits)

My insignificant answer is Satan was jealous, pride got the best of him and he made the wrong decision in my book.

Should we have sympathy for people who made bad decisions and weren't good Stewart's of their choices?

Guess that's up to you....

But I Pitty the fool that sympathizes just punishment for evil!

Mr.Tono lol

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