The Fourth Year: April 18th (International)

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As the year passed by, Brett and Eddy were fortunately able to eek out a decent living. They were able to plant a small field and get a few chickens, along with completing their little hut. Although they were probably the poorest in the region, they were alive and together -- and that's all that mattered.

Occasionally, they would have a few scary moments. Such as the time that a late spring snow killed most of their growing crops. Or when a fox found and ate most of the chickens. Fortunately, they were able to ration for a while, work a little harder, and then return to normal on both occasions. Certainly those times were difficult, and many tears were shed during perhaps the most difficult year of their lives. But they had each other, they had each other, so they were motivated to keep on pushing through. And for the first time in their lives, they were able to freely express their love for one another. 

The first time Eddy felt the butterflies in his stomach, it was an ordinary day -- the two of them simply stood alongside each other, working on the field.

Then Eddy dropped his hoe, stooping down and accidentally glancing at Brett.

It was only supposed to be a glance, only expected to be a passing gaze. But as Eddy became totally distracted by his friend, the purpose changed. The way his muscular arms flexed as he worked the soil, the sweat beading on his intense brow.

Then Brett noticed that Eddy had stopped. "Hey, you alright?"
Eddy nodded, looking away to hide his reddening face. "Um, yeah."

From that time on, Eddy couldn't even look at Brett without blushing full on. As Brett started catching on to Eddy's odd behavior, he became more subtle, not looking directly at Brett but a foot over his head when he talked to him. If he looked down, he didn't even want to know where his mind would wander. At night, however, he had total freedom to stare at Brett as he liked. Completely peaceful and still, his face slightly pale from sleep. A few times, Eddy caught himself reaching out to stroke his friend's hair. Every time, he was able to hold back.

Then, one night, Eddy couldn't help himself. As Brett lay there soundly, he gently brushed his hand along Brett's shoulder, in such a way he could blow it off as an accident. His friend remained sound asleep.

Feeling his heart explode and the butterflies flutter inside him all over again, Eddy couldn't help it. He gently stroked Brett's hair.

Then Brett grunted. "Eddy, why are you touching me? Is there something wrong?"
Eddy jumped up a thousand feet. Even with the numerous times he had thought through this potential outcome in his head, he was still unable to collect himself. "Um, uh, I-"
Then he was silenced as he felt Brett's hand on his shoulder. Brett turned Eddy's face toward him, leaning in and pressing their lips together.

As they pulled away Brett gave a little smile. "Is this why you keep looking at me?"
Eddy laughed nervously. "Was I really that obvious?"
Brett enveloped his friend in a hug. "You were adorable doing it."

After that, the two of them grew closer than ever. As they talked more freely about each other's thoughts and feelings, Eddy learned that in reality Brett had had a crush on him too -- even longer than Eddy did.

"For a good five years," Brett confessed, blushing slightly.

"Why didn't you tell me?"
"There was so much going on with your family, I didn't want to cause you unnecessary stress."

Eddy's heart burst at this expression of selflessness. At the fact that Brett had placed Eddy's well-being over his own thoughts and feelings.

Soon, however, their relationship would face an entirely new dynamic.

It began with gossip from one of their neighbors, who lived a little distance away but visited them occasionally to barter. "By the way, did you hear that the king is coming through here? He is returning from France and will likely be passing through!" She grabbed Eddy's shoulder. " And I've also heard he's looking for new musicians! I've heard you playing your flute, you're so talented! You should come to the townsquare and play something while he goes by!"

Eddy tried to politely decline the request, but she had other plans. "You will be staying here until the king goes through, I have a guestroom ready. Don't worry about food and stuff, I'll provide that for you. This is such an incredible opportunity, don't you dare pass it up Edward Chen!"
"But, can Brett stay with me?"
She laughed. "Why, of course! Why wouldn't I let your friend stay with you?"
Just friend? Oh, now Eddy remembered. No one knew about their relationship since they kept pretty isolated; homosexuality was so rare, everyone considered them just friends even though they lived together. They'd make it work, though.

"Thank you, ma'am," Eddy responded.

It was a difficult week for both of them. Brett, of course, was fully supportive of Eddy's decision, but they were unable to do their usual displays of affection. Even the occasional brush of the shoulders seemed to raise eyebrows.

Fortunately, however, the king did prove to come through the little town. Eddy doubted the king would notice him, much less listen to his music, so he was pretty sure he and Brett would return to normal after this.

However, his assumptions were to be proven wrong. The king, noticing Eddy holding his flute, dismounted and walked right towards him, an assistant trailing behind him.

"What is your name boy?"
"Edward Chen, Your Majesty."
"Do you play an instrument?"
"Yes, sir, violin and flute."
"Please play for me Edward."
Eddy lifted the flute, playing a piece he had heard someone play one time and transcribed. He had added a few of his own embellishments, partially because he didn't remember the entire piece and partially because he enjoyed adding his own spin on things.

As he looked up at the king, Eddy saw that he seemed moved. Was that a tear lingering near his eye?
"Excellent job, Edward. I have heard this piece a few times, but never with such an incredible interpretation. And although I usually dislike embellishments, I would say that your version is better than the original. Edward, would you like to be one of my musicians?" the king requested. As he spoke, Eddy couldn't help but notice the king's assistant give a funny expression. Almost... jealousy and anger.

"I would be honored, Your Majesty. Only one thing... could my friend attend me?"
The king looked at Brett and nodded. "Of course, he would make a fine servant."

"Thank you Your Majesty, I genuinely appreciate it." Eddy and Brett walked with the king, mounting their steeds and following him to the castle.

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