Only One {Kisonia's p.o.v.}

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a/n: hey everyone lemon here I'd like to say welcome to the story that it took me years to actually make technically innocence but aside from that note I hope you all enjoy reading feel free to leave some criticism down in the comments /hj but I anyways feel free to say what you like then door just like that you know just go with that and I hope you have a nice day night evening whatever it is whatever time it is don't really know enjoy your time I might go to Google Translate and translate this whole chapter into Japanese or something I don't know let me know what language you might want me to use Google in order to translate it in since I don't really speak a lot of languages frequently and I hope you all yes just go on you you don't need to read the rest of this and if you are reading the rest of this what are you doing with the rest of your life read the read the chapter already why are you still here leave don't leave the book leave the author's note alone and go read the rest of the story why are you still here you know what I'm done-  ~Lemon Out  

(listen as you read, best with headphones)

Cold air that's how I felt remembering how I got into this situation gives me a headache I tried to think about peaceful thing about running through the grass wheat fields in the backyard climbing the tall trees with my brothers that doesn't seem to help it's only seems to make it worse I shut my eyes tight even when I open them all I see is black pitch black there's nothing else that I can see I feel as if there's some type of dark cloth over my eyes what I can barely remember is that it happened approximately 3 or 2 weeks ago I was walking down back to my house from school and I wanted to stop and get some ice cream it was pretty hot that day I went and I ordered my usual mint Supreme with a little gummy bears on top is in a cherry on top of one of the Gummy Bears head and whenever I eat the Gummy Bears I take a bite of it slowly to just to savor the flavor in the sound of crunching and the small straws that was right next to the gummy bear it made me happy thinking about it one of the many things that I was able to enjoy my life with my sweet satisfaction of eating ice cream with the small dot of pistachio ice creamI never expected it to turn out this way 

I walked out of the ice cream shop past the alleyway and I sent that someone was following me I turned around me being the race I am I feel like I have a sixth sense to know when someone is watching me so I stood there I turned around no one was there and then I abruptly felt hands rough around my eyes in the deep voice saying "guess who" there was some unknown reason for it so I just said the first name that came to mind and me being weed and me playing Mystic messenger a lot I thought that there was a possibility that it was saeran I never thought of it to be something else and then I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head like someone hit me with metal I don't know what type of metal it was it was either a bat or some type of baton or maybe even the back of a knifeI quietly Mumble to myself trying to make sure that I remember this for whoever Finds Me I hope that they find me I don't want to be stuck here. is slowly open my eyes 

it seems that as I was mumbling to myself they removed the blindfold there's a very dim light in the room I sure DID try to move my head apparently as soon as I even moved it one centimeter away from its original position I started to hurt I didn't want to stay here who wants to stay in a place where the kidnapper is it's like one of those games that you played one of those Indie RPG games it was really interesting and I thought maybe if it was one of those games I would be able to find a way out of here quickly since I'm pretty good at them I looked around one more time ignoring the pain I could give anyting to just be out of here I didn't want to stay no one would want to stay here it wreaked of blood in of smelly person I don't know what it was it just drips 

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